Bill preventing use of the Next Generation Science Standards introduced in Iowa, because of climate science and evolutionary biology

19 February 2019 (Silencing Science Tracker) – On 19 February 2019, a bill (House File 428) was introduced in the Iowa legislature that would, if enacted, reinstate “the science standards utilized by school districts in this state during the 2014-2015 school year.” This would effectively prevent use of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), which were […]

How “completely avoidable” measles cases continue to climb – 4 new suspected cases in Washington state – “This is a public health problem for which science has already provided a solution”

By Lauran Neergaard 27 February 2019 WASHINGTON (AP) – The U.S. has counted more measles cases in the first two months of this year than in all of 2017 — and part of the rising threat is misinformation that makes some parents balk at a crucial vaccine, federal health officials told Congress Wednesday. Yet the […]

The unique dangers of the Washington state measles outbreak – “It will take off like a wildfire”

By Lena H. Sun and Maureen O’Hagan 6 February 2019 VANCOUVER, Washington (The Washington Post) – Amber Gorrow is afraid to leave her house with her infant son because she lives at the epicenter of Washington state’s worst measles outbreak in more than two decades. Born eight weeks ago, Leon is too young to get […]

Trump wins 2018 Rubber Dodo award as top eco-villain – “From wildlife to public lands to climate, Trump has wrecked, poisoned, and polluted our environment on an unprecedented scale”

TUCSON, Arizona, 15 February 2019 (CBD) –  President Trump is the winner of the Center for Biological Diversity’s 2018 Rubber Dodo award. The statue is awarded each year to the person or group who has most aggressively sought to destroy America’s natural heritage or drive endangered species extinct. “From wildlife to public lands to climate, Trump […]

The anti-vaxx movement is a worldwide pandemic – “Parents need to understand that vaccines save lives”

By The Times Editorial Board 6 February 2019 (Los Angeles Times) – It’s not quite six weeks into 2019, and it’s already looking like it will be another banner year for measles in the United States. An outbreak in the Pacific Northwest that began in late January continues to spread, with more than 50 cases […]

The glaring hole in Trump’s address: Climate change – “Trump and, more to the point, the fossil fuel interests whose bidding he is doing, have weaponized the public’s poor understanding of science”

By Ishaan Tharoor 6 February 2019 (The Washington Post) – President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night zigzagged between paeans to unity and sops to his hardcore base. He eulogized World War II soldiers and then wheeled on immigrants and leftist rivals at home. But absent amid the nativist demagoguery and partisan jockeying […]

Researchers examine political divide behind climate change beliefs – “This is a depressing scenario for those hoping to get movement on climate change opinions”

By Hilary Hurd Anyaso 24 January 2019 (Northwestern Now) – Despite a scientific consensus, citizens are divided when it comes to climate change, often along political lines, and scholars want to better understand why. “We were interested in understanding the clear political divide in the U.S. on climate change beliefs and related policies and behaviors. […]

Trump tweeted “we need” global warming to deal with record cold temperatures. Here’s why that doesn’t make sense

By Justin Worland 29 January 2019 (TIME) – President Trump has been a longtime opponent of taking action on climate change, as evidenced by everything from his accusation that the phenomenon is a “hoax” created by China to his decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement. There are many reasons Trump may […]

Public health emergency declared over measles in anti-vax hotspot near Portland, Oregon

23 January 2019 (CBS News) – A public health emergency has been declared in Clark County, Washington, as a result of an ongoing measles outbreak. According to the latest update from the county’s Department of Health, 23 cases of measles have been confirmed and health officials are investigating two more suspected cases. The majority of […]

AP fact check: Trump’s murky claims on weather and global warming

By Hope Yen and Calvin Woodward20 January 2019 WASHINGTON (AP) – There’s nothing like a cold snap to bring out the global-warming skepticism of President Donald Trump The fact that periods of extreme cold happen in a warming climate is well known by his government but Trump’s crack Sunday — “Wouldn’t be bad to have […]

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