Blogging the End of the World™
By Lewis SmithMonday, 28 March 2011 Catherton Common reverberates with the distinctive song of skylarks. It boasts stunning views over the Shropshire countryside and is one of the most valuable spots for plants anywhere in Britain. Just two years ago, its huge botanical diversity and nationally important populations of adders and other struggling native reptiles […]
USA Today / AP28 March 2011 TOKYO — Workers at Japan’s damaged nuclear plant raced to pump out contaminated water suspected of sending radioactivity levels soaring as officials warned Monday that radiation seeping from the complex was spreading to seawater and soil. Mounting problems, including badly miscalculated radiation figures and no place to store dangerously […]
By Stephanie Pappas25 March 2011 According to just over half of Americans, God is in control of everything that happens on Earth. But slightly fewer are willing to blame an omnipotent power for natural disasters such as Japan’s earthquake and tsunami. A new poll finds that 56 percent of Americans agree or mostly agree that […]
Caption by Mike Carlowicz, with background from Alan BuisMarch 26, 2011 According to a new NASA-funded satellite study, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing mass at an accelerating pace and are overtaking ice loss from mountain glaciers and ice caps to become the dominant contributor to global sea level rise. The graph above […]
Two years ago, Zimbio hosted a nice photo gallery named “Town Of Rio Vista Nears Bankruptcy, As Foreclosure Crisis Spreads,” which introduced us to a development in Rio Vista, California. Only a handful of the planned 750 homes were built before the global financial bubble burst. Construction halted on November 20, 2008. 2008 […]
An unexpected side-effect of the flooding in parts of Pakistan has been that millions of spiders climbed up into the trees to escape the rising flood waters. Because of the scale of the flooding and the fact that the water has taken so long to recede, many trees have become cocooned in spiders webs. People […]
After the biggest mass extinction in Earth’s history – 250 million years ago – algae and bacteria in the ocean rebounded so fast that they consumed virtually all the oxygen in the sea, slowing the recovery of the rest of marine animals for several million years. BY LOUIS BERGERONMarch 24, 2011 A mass extinction is […]
Caption by Mike Carlowicz, with background from Alan BuisMarch 26, 2011 Located in the Terre Adélie-George V Land section of East Antarctica, Astrolabe Glacier streams out from the interior of Antarctica to dump ice into the sea. This outlet glacier is estimated to be 10 kilometers (6 miles) wide, and the drainage basin that feeds […]
By Helvy Shaanika 25 March 2011 OSHAKATI – “The 2011 floods situation can probably take us back 1,000 years because no one is able to measure up or compare the effect,” said the Mayor of Oshakati, Ben Kuutumbeni Kathindi. Kathindi was referring to the flood situation, which many have described as the worst of its […]
By Andrew Stern; editing by Vicki AllenFri Mar 25, 2011 CHICAGO (Reuters) – Voltage coursing through electrical barriers designed to keep invasive Asian carp out of the Great Lakes may need to be raised to keep out juvenile fish, U.S. officials said on Friday. The Army Corps of Engineers has mounted a multimillion-dollar effort to […]