Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Rising seas ‘the most terrifying of all climate change impacts’

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent; Editing by Janet Lawrence27 April 2011 OSLO (Reuters) – Sea level rise is the “most terrifying” impact of climate change and rich countries are showing scant leadership in addressing the threats, the incoming chair of a U.N. alliance of small island states said on Tuesday. Marlene Moses, the U.N. ambassador […]

El Salvador is ‘already’ facing wild weather – Climate change ‘number one issue’

By Dahr Jamil 02 Mar 2011 San Salvador – “We have a very clear position,” El Salvador’s Minister of Environment, Herman Chavez, told Al Jazeera at his office in San Salvador, the capital. “The President of El Salvador, last year on July 20th, in an extraordinary meeting of presidents that was convened here in San […]

Desperate U.S. sprawl developer gives away cars with houses

By Sarah Goodyear26 Apr 2011 My head nearly exploded at the breakfast table on Saturday morning. I was reading a piece in The New York Times about an Illinois developer who has finally found a way to unload the new houses he has built some 50 miles from downtown Chicago, in a place he has […]

High radiation levels in Fukushima nuclear plant suggest core leak – ‘Water entombment’ procedure started anyway

By arevamirpal::laprimavera 27 April 2011 Fukushima 1 nuke plant: 1120 millisieverts/hr – That high level of radiation would indicate the highly radioactive water from the Pressure Vessel may be leaking outside the Containment Vessel, but TEPCO has decided to go ahead with the plan. From Yomiuri Shinbun (1:17 PM JST 4/27/2011): 東京電力は27日、福島第一原子力発電所1号機の原子炉に行っている注水の量を一時的に増やす試験を始めた。 On April 27, […]

U.S. releases report highlighting impacts of climate change to Western water resources

Contact: Kendra Barkoff (DOI) (202) 208-6416Dan DuBray (Reclamation) (202) 513-057425 April 2011 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today released a report that assesses climate change risks and how these risks could impact water operations, hydropower, flood control, and fish and wildlife in the western United States. The report to Congress, prepared […]

Warnings of nuclear disaster not heeded, claims former governor

By David McNeill in Tokyo23 April 2011 The former governor of Fukushima province has spoken of his frustration at the failure of the Japanese authorities to heed his warnings over the safety of the power plant that was stricken by the country’s recent earthquake. The story of Japan’s epic disaster comes with a generous cast […]

2011 sets U.S. record for most acreage burned in April

By Jeff Masters26 April 2011 According to the Interagency Fire Center, wildfires in 2011 have already burned nearly 2.3 million acres in the U.S. This is the greatest acreage on record so early in the year, and is more area than burned all of last year. The largest U.S. acreage to burn since 1960 was […]

Americans depend more on federal aid than ever – Wages at historic low

By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY 26 April 2011 Americans depended more on government assistance in 2010 than at any other time in the nation’s history, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data finds. The trend shows few signs of easing, even though the economic recovery is nearly 2 years old. A record 18.3% of the […]

Fukushima catastrophe ‘already more serious than Chernobyl’

TOKYO, April 25 (UPI) – Radiation leaks remain a health threat for areas around Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant, officials said. The crisis at the plant resulted from an earthquake and tsunami March 11. Some experts believe the Fukushima crisis is more serious than that resulting from an explosion at Ukraine’s Chernobyl power plant […]

TEPCO begins unprecedented procedure to fill containment vessels with water; experts raise doubts

By Ichiro Matsuo, Tatsuyuki Kobori, and Hidenori Tsuboya26 April 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Co. started the unprecedented and potentially risky measure of allowing water to flood the containment vessels of three troubled reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, company sources said. It is the world’s first attempt to saturate the entire containment […]

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