Blogging the End of the World™
By arevamirpal::laprimavera29 April 2011 After the pressure inside the Containment Vessel of the Reactor 1 dropped down very, very close to the atmospheric pressure, TEPCO decided to stop the experiment of pumping extra water into the Pressure Vessel of the Reactor 1. The idea was to pump extra water into the Pressure Vessel, which then […]
By Parija Kavilanz, senior writer28 April 2011 NEW YORK (CNNMoney) – Wal-Mart’s core shoppers are running out of money much faster than a year ago due to rising gasoline prices, and the retail giant is worried, CEO Mike Duke said Wednesday. “We’re seeing core consumers under a lot of pressure,” Duke said at an event […]
April 27 (SWNS) — The source of the River Thames has dried up after the UK experienced the lowest recorded rainfall in March since 1929. The Thames head spring in Trewsbury Mead near Cirencester, Glos., has stopped flowing after the driest March in more than 80 years. It was fed from deep underground and joins […]
Forty years of wandering from bad decisions to neglect have done terrible damage to the lowest place on earth By Shuki Sadeh 28 April 2011 Short-term thinking. Unthinking optimism – “everything will work out.” Putting off hard decisions, selling national assets for peanuts, and first and foremost, of course, a lack of governance. These are […]
When building 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant exploded last month, those who saw the video footage were left to wonder why it was more severe than the other explosions. Adding to the mystery were reports that the containment and reactor in building 3 were still intact. Gundersen discusses several known facts about Fukushima 3 […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera28 April 2011 FNN News Network in Japan has rare footage of Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant from the ground-level. The video was taken by Shigeharu Aoyama, a member of Japan’s Nuclear Safety Commission on April 22. Mr. Aoyama, a former Kyodo News correspondent, went into Fukushima I Nuke Plant on April 22 as […]
Contact: Rob GutroRobert.j.gutro@nasa.gov443-858-1779NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center28-Apr-2011 The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission or TRMM satellite again flew over severe thunderstorms that were spawning tornadoes over the eastern United States on April 28 and detected massive thunderstorms and very heavy rainfall. TRMM, a satellite managed by both NASA and the Japanese Space Agency, captured the rainfall rates […]
PARIS, April 26 (AFP) — Himalayan villagers have won the backing of climate science for their suspicions that snow cover, water resources and the ecosystem are changing in their region, a study published Wednesday said. The authors of the research carried out by Britain’s Royal Society say this is the first time that subjective perceptions […]
Media ContactsCheryl Dybas, NSF (703) 292-7734 cdybas@nsf.govTerry Devitt, University of Wisconsin-Madison (608) 262-8282 trdevitt@wisc.eduApril 28, 2011 Researchers eavesdropping on complex signals from a remote Wisconsin lake have detected what they say is an unmistakable warning–a death knell–of the impending collapse of the lake’s aquatic ecosystem. The finding, reported today in the journal Science by a […]
By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.com27 April 2011 The Asian Development Bank has warned that high food prices on the continent could push 64 million people in developing countries into extreme poverty, reports the AFP. On average food prices are up 10% since the beginning of the year with staple prices significantly higher than last year. For […]