Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Graph of the Day: Deforestation in non-Brazilian Amazon countries, 2004-2012

By Rhett A. Butler 26 June 2013 (Mongabay) – Peru had the largest extent of forest loss in 2012, losing 48,000 hectares, an increase of 15,431 ha or 47 percent over 2011. Venezuela (11,606 ha), Colombia (10,069 ha), Bolivia (6,975 ha), Suriname (6,569 ha), Guyana (3,713 ha), Ecuador (1,663 ha), and French Guyana (1,338 ha) […]

Radioactivity levels in Fukushima groundwater increase 47-fold over 5 days

6 August 2013 (Asahi Shimbun) – Radioactivity levels soared 47-fold over just five days in groundwater from a monitoring well on the ocean side of the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, the plant operator said Aug. 5. Tokyo Electric Power Co. said 56,000 becquerels of radioactive substances, including strontium, were detected per liter […]

Japanese Government to help stabilize nuclear plant after leaks – Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: ‘We must deal with this at the national level’

By MARTIN FACKLER7 August 2013 TOKYO (The New York Times) – The Japanese prime minister directed his government on Wednesday to step in to help stabilize the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, after continuing radiation leaks exposed the failure of the plant’s operator to contain the problem more than two years after a triple meltdown. […]

Climate change softens up already-vulnerable Louisiana – ‘The sea is rising and the land is sinking. The two together mean that wetlands are disappearing here at unprecedented rates worldwide.’

By Dan Vergano6 August 2013 GRAND ISLE, Louisiana (USA TODAY) – Pelicans and pickups roam the beach, where the waves roll in and return, lapping over the open water of the Gulf of Mexico. The water covers land that was once beach, and it has devoured land that was once marsh tucked behind this 6-square-mile […]

New records for sea ice loss, greenhouse gas in 2012 – ‘Surface temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at a rate about two times faster than the rest of the world’

By Kerry Sheridan6 August 2013 WASHINGTON (AFP) – The world lost record amounts of Arctic sea ice in 2012 and spewed out all-time high levels of greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels, international climate scientists said Tuesday. Last year was among the top 10 on record for global land and surface temperature since modern data […]

Arctic ice grows darker and less reflective

By Fred Pearce 5 August 2013 (New Scientist) – Arctic ice is losing its reflective sheen. It’s common knowledge that each summer, more and more of the ice melts leaving the dark waters of the ocean uncovered – a process that accelerates global warming by reducing the amount of solar radiation reflected back into space. […]

As Antarctic sea ice melts, seaweed could smother seafloor

By Laura Poppick5 August 2013 (LiveScience) – Seaweed could smother polar underwater ecosystems as melting sea ice exposes the seafloor to more sunlight, new research shows. Animals that dwell on the seafloor of the Arctic and Antarctic spend most of their lives in total darkness: Sea ice blocks rays during the spring and early summer, […]

Seven facts you need to know about the Arctic methane time bomb

By Nafeez Ahmed    5 August 2013 (The Guardian) – Debate over the plausibility of a catastrophic release of methane in coming decades due to thawing Arctic permafrost has escalated after a new Nature paper warned that exactly this scenario could trigger costs equivalent to the annual GDP of the global economy. Scientists of different persuasions […]

Climate change pushing marine life towards the poles, says study – ‘Some species are already at the edge of their range and there’s nowhere for them to go’

By Helen Davidson    5 August 2013 (The Guardian) – Rising ocean temperatures are rearranging the biological make-up of our oceans, pushing species towards the poles by 7kms every year, as they chase the climates they can survive in, according to new research. The study, conducted by a working group of scientists from 17 different institutions, […]

Radioactive Fukushima groundwater rises above barrier – Up to 40 trillion becquerels released into Pacific ocean so far – Storage for radioactive water running out

By Nathan Layne3 August 2013 TOKYO (Reuters) – Radioactive groundwater at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant has risen to levels above a barrier being built to contain it, highlighting the risk of an increasing amount of contaminated water reaching the sea, Japanese media reported on Saturday. The Asahi newspaper, citing data from a Friday meeting […]

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