Blogging the End of the World™
30 November 2015 (Desdemona Despair) – Nearly 150 leaders of 195 countries met today in Paris for the COP21 U.N. climate change conference. It’s the largest climate conference in history and the largest conference ever held in France. Yesterday, more than 700,000 people marched in climate change protests in 175 countries. Longtime Desdemona readers will […]
21-23 February 2014 (IAEA) – The objective of this workshop was to develop a state-of-the-art scientific understanding of radiation-induced thyroid cancer, and to share knowledge and experience in this area in order to support the efforts of the Japanese government and the Fukushima Prefecture to enhance public health. Experience in holding effective social dialogues, in […]
29 November 2015 (Desdemona Despair) – The COP21 climate conference starts tomorrow, and it’s no exaggeration to say that it will define the human response to abrupt, anthropogenic climate change for decades. Will the world do what’s necessary to minimize the slow-motion technogenic catastrophe that we call “global warming”? Follow the action as it happens: […]
By Chris Arsenault 30 October 2015 TORONTO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – New satellite data shows Brazil’s drought is worse than previously thought, with the southeast losing 56 trillion liters of water in each of the past three years – more than enough to fill Lake Tahoe, a NASA scientist said on Friday. The country’s most […]
By Seth Borenstein3 November 2015 WASHINGTON (Associated Press) – Americans are hot but not too bothered by global warming. Most Americans know the climate is changing, but they say they are just not that worried about it, according to a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. And that is keeping […]
By Karen Graham 7 November 2015 (Digital Journal) – The Pacific Flyway is a major north-south flyway for migrating birds, extending from Alaska down to Patagonia. California is part of the flight path, and the state’s extended drought in now threatening the health of these travelers. In the northern part of California’s Central Valley is […]
By Juliette Jowit8 November 2015 (The Guardian) – Europe has to step up its effort to combat climate change and wake up to the urgency of the situation, the climate change expert Lord Stern has said before crunch UN talks in Paris. Europeans need to end subsidies for fossil fuels, multiply energy efficiency efforts, improve […]
19 November 2015 (IRIN) – Alarm bells are ringing for a food emergency in Ethiopia. The UN says 15 million people will need help over the coming months. The government, wary of stigma and therefore hesitant to ask for help, has nevertheless said more than eight million Ethiopians need food assistance. Extra imports to stem […]
29 November 2015 (Al Jazeera) – Police have fired teargas and used pepper spray to disperse a group of anti-global warming activists who marched in Paris in defiance of a recent ban on public demonstrations, a day before the start of a key UN summit on climate change in France’s capital. The tough response […]
By Gideon Mendel13 November 2015 (The Guardian) – For eight years, Gideon Mendel has travelled the globe, photographing people whose lives have been devastated by floods. Here are his images of a drowning world. Gideon Mendel’s Drowning World was shortlisted for this year’s Prix Pictet global award in photography and sustainability. It will be at […]