Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

N. Australian crocodiles wiped out by invasion of toxic toads

In a contest between a toad and a crocodile, it seems obvious the croc will win. Not, though, if its adversary is a cane toad – the poisonous pests laying waste to Australian wildlife. Researchers have found that, in some waterways in the Northern Territory, numbers of freshwater crocodiles have more than halved over the […]

Experts warn of severe water shortages by 2080

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Half the world’s population could face a shortage of clean water by 2080 because of climate change, experts warned Tuesday. Wong Poh Poh, a professor at the National University of Singapore, told a regional conference that global warming was disrupting water flow patterns and increasing the severity of floods, droughts and […]

Ivory poachers decimate Congo elephant population

Story by Joe Bavier KINSHASA – Poachers in Congo have killed a fifth of the elephants in Africa’s oldest national park this year as China buys more ivory, the park’s director said on Friday. Rwandan rebels have killed seven Savannah elephants in the past 10 days alone in the Virunga National Park, along Congo’s eastern […]

Grim prospects for Australian river system as drought bites

Rivers in Australia’s most important farming region are in critical condition thanks to the long-running drought, with no sign of an end to the ‘big dry,’ officials said Tuesday. The Murray-Darling Basin Commission, which monitors the east coast region that accounts for some 40 percent of the nation’s farming production, said the level of water […]

Lights out? Experts fear fireflies are dwindling

By MICHAEL CASEY, AP Environmental Writer BAN LOMTUAN, Thailand – Preecha Jiabyu used to take tourists on a rowboat to see the banks of the Mae Klong River aglow with thousands of fireflies. These days, all he sees are the fluorescent lights of hotels, restaurants and highway overpasses. He says he’d have to row a […]

Southern Amazon forest cover may fall to 20% by 2016

Rhett A. Butler, Forest cover in the "Arc of Deforestation" of southern Amazonia will decline to around 20 percent 2016 due to continued logging and conversion of forests for cattle pasture and soy farms, report researchers writing in the journal Environmental Conservation. The results are independent of impacts resulting from climate change, which some […]

Thawing permafrost likely to boost global warming

The thawing of permafrost in northern latitudes, which greatly increases microbial decomposition of carbon compounds in soil, will dominate other effects of warming in the region and could become a major force promoting the release of carbon dioxide and thus further warming, according to a new assessment in the September 2008 issue of BioScience. The […]

Wildfires result in loss of forests reserved by Northwest Forest Plan

  Although the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) significantly reduced cutting of old-growth forests on federal land, forests in the driest regions are now at greater risk of being lost to wildfire than to logging. A team of federal and university scientists recently completed a study and analysis of large-diameter forests and discovered that elevated fire […]

Polar bears resort to cannibalism as Arctic ice shrinks

Group: Polar bears are starving, drowning, resorting to cannibalism By Marsha Walton (CNN) — Summer is over in the northern hemisphere, but it’s been another chilling season for researchers who study Arctic sea ice. "It’s definitely a bad report. We did pick up little bit from last year, but this is over 30 percent below […]

Greenland economy shudders as shrimp stocks shrink

by Slim Allagui Thu Sep 25, 1:36 AM ET ILULISSAT, Denmark (AFP) – Dwindling shrimp stocks off Greenland’s coast have local fishermen and authorities fretting that one of the island’s main sources of income, known here as "pink gold", could soon vanish. "We must sound the alarm bells because it would be a catastrophe for […]

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