Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

A quarter of the world's population depends on degrading land

  (Wiley-Blackwell) A new study published in the journal Soil Use and Management attempts for the first time to measure the extent and severity of land degradation across the globe and concludes that 24 percent of the land area is degrading — often in very productive areas. Land degradation – the decline in the quality […]

World economy to shrink for first time in 60 years

WASHINGTON (AFP) — The International Monetary Fund said on Thursday that the world economy, reeling from financial crisis, was on track to shrink for the first time in 60 years in 2009, by as much as 1.0 percent. In a report prepared for the Group of 20 meeting of finance chiefs last week in Britain […]

One-third of all US bird species in rapid decline

by Abby Haight, The Oregonian Researchers were shocked when they counted breeding tufted puffins along the Oregon coast last summer. The numbers showed the charismatic seabird with the comical mask had become alarmingly scarce. From 6,560 tufted puffins in 1979 to a rough count of 142 found on Oregon’s cliffsides and rock islands last year. […]

Climate change disrupting base of Antarctic food web

As the cold, dry climate of the western Antarctic Peninsula becomes warmer and more humid, phytoplankton – the bottom of the Antarctic food chain – is decreasing off the northern part the peninsula and increasing further south, Rutgers marine scientists have discovered. In research to be published tomorrow in the journal Science, Martin Montes-Hugo and […]

Polar bears 20% thinner, resorting to cannibalism

by Pierre-Henry Deshayes TROMSOE, Norway (AFP) – Potentially fatal to the polar bear, global warming has already left its mark on the species with smaller, less robust bears that are increasingly showing cannibalistic tendencies. Top experts who gathered this week in Tromsoe in northern Norway to discuss ways of protecting the species sounded alarm bells […]

Most native Hawaii birds near extinction

By AUDREY McAVOY, Associated Press Writer ETHONOLULU – Hawaii’s native avian population is in peril, with nearly all the state’s birds in danger of becoming extinct, a federal report says. One-third of the nation’s endangered birds are in Hawaii, said the report issued Thursday by the Interior Department. Thirty-one Hawaiian bird species are listed as […]

Graph of the Day: US Vehicle Miles, 1972-2009

From Calculated Risk: The Dept of Transportation reports on U.S. Traffic Volume Trends: [T]ravel during January 2009 on all roads and streets in the nation changed by -3.1 percent (-7.0 billion vehicle miles) resulting in estimated travel for the month at 222.4 billion vehicle-miles. The graph shows the annual change in the rolling 12 month […]

UK’s chief scientist warns of “perfect storm” for resource shortages by 2030

by James Murray, BusinessGreen Food, energy and water supplies all under threat from combination of climate change and growing population The UK’s chief scientist will today warn that political and business leaders have just 20 years to prepare for a "perfect storm" of climate change-related impacts on food, water and energy supplies or risk public […]

Deep-sea trophic cascade caused by acidification

By Dan Berrett An East Stroudsburg University professor has studied a delicate sea creature off Japan’s coast, and shed new light on how climate change is disrupting the ocean’s food chain. "This is the first clear link between an animal we know is threatened by ocean acidification and a variety of deep-sea species," said Jay […]

Graph of the Day: World Oil Production, 2002-2012

From The Oil Drum: World oil production peaked in 2008 at 81.73 million barrels/day (mbd) shown in the chart below. This oil definition includes crude oil, lease condensate, oil sands and natural gas plant liquids. If natural gas plant liquids are excluded, then the production peak remains in 2008 but at 73.79 mbd. However, if […]

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