Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Ocean dead zones will expand as CO2 asphyxiates deep-sea animals

Low-oxygen “dead zones” in the ocean could expand significantly over the next century, according to marine chemists. These predictions are based on the fact that, as more and more carbon dioxide dissolves from the atmosphere into the ocean, marine animals will need more oxygen to survive. Concentrations of carbon dioxide are increasing rapidly in the […]

Penguins threatened by krill fishery

Already threatened by global warming, harvesting krill to supply omega-3 oil means danger for Antarctica’s penguins By Gerry Leape Fifty years ago, delegates from 12 nations – including the United States, Norway and Japan – gathered in Washington DC to discuss how to protect Antarctica, the only continent without a native human population. The result […]

Rainforest pillage continues in Madagascar

Gangs of illegal rosewood loggers continue to pillage the wildlife-rich forests of northeastern Madagascar, reports a local source. “More and more people are entering the [protected area] to cut wood,” said the source, whose identity has been concealed for protection. “All the rosewood — regardless of its diameter — will disappear.” The source adds that […]

Half of Canada's caribou herds face extinction

Tory dismissal of findings angers scientists Via Treehugger:   By Margaret Munro, Canwest News Service Half of Canada’s boreal caribou herds are in decline and could die off unless their habitat is better protected, says a federal report that points to logging and energy production as big threats to the reclusive creatures. Environment Canada released […]

Catastrophic sea level rise of 5 centimeters per year is possible

From Climate Progress: The prestigious journal Nature is publishing important new research on “Rapid sea-level rise and reef back-stepping at the close of the last interglacial highstand” (subs. req’d, abstract below).  As Nature explains in a summary and author interview (subs. req’d): Some consequences of climate change are already unfolding. Glaciers and ice sheets are […]

Overfishing ‘annihilating’ Uganda's Nile Perch

  KAMPALA (Reuters) – Overfishing on Lake Victoria has seen Nile Perch stocks drop 81 percent to 370,000 metric tons in 2008 from 2 million metric tons three years ago, “annihilating” the species, Uganda said Thursday. Fishing is one of Uganda’s leading export earners. The east African nation boasts four major lakes — Victoria, Lake […]

African lark soon to be extinct

By Matt Walker, Editor, Earth News The Sidamo lark could soon be the first bird on mainland Africa to die out since modern records began, a survey shows. A survey has found that just a few hundred of the larks survive in Ethiopia. Unless action is taken to save it, the bird will disappear. While […]

Drought reduces Iraq’s marshes to desert

HOR AL-HAMMAR, Iraq – A severe drought is threatening Iraq’s southern marshes — the traditional site of the biblical Garden of Eden — just as the region was recovering from Saddam Hussein’s draining of its lakes and swamps to punish a political rebellion. Marshes that were coming back to life a few years ago with […]

Drought lowers Lake Mead to 1965 level

Decline of another 30 feet will trigger federal shortage declaration By HENRY BREAN Another below-average year on the Colorado River will soon shrink Lake Mead to a level not seen since President Lyndon Johnson unveiled his "Great Society" and the Beatles bared their "Rubber Soul." By next month, the surface of the lake is expected […]

Historic drought leaves Melbourne with 500 days of water supply

By Peter Ker MELBOURNE’S dwindling water storages are on the verge of a historic low, a quarter of a century after the Thomson Dam was promised to drought-proof the city. The nine major dams are expected to fall to 28.4 per cent of capacity today, matching the record low set in June 2007. Despite rain […]

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