Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Pesticide causes mass bird death in Australia

By Amanda O’Brien BIRDS are again dropping dead from the sky in a new toxic drama in Western Australia. Nearly 200 ibises, ravens, gulls, ducks and a pelican were found dead or frothing and convulsing in Perth at the weekend. The discovery comes a year after the mysterious mass death of 200 birds only a […]

Majority of Britons unaware of overfishing

The British taste for fish and chips could be driving species to the edge of extinction, according to a new survey that found the majority of people do not even try to make sustainable choices about seafood. By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent Fish stocks are down all over the world with some species such as […]

Graph of the Day: Losses from Floods, Windstorms, and Earthquakes, 1980-2005

From the Human Impact Report, page 85: The approach of comparing the trends in weather-related and geophysical disasters is based on an analysis of loss-generating events in the publication Journal of Flood Risk. The article states that by “Assuming the socio-economic driving factors behind loss-generating events to be the same for all causes, the difference […]

Study links marine mammal strandings to pollution

By Doug Fraser, WOODS HOLE — Cape Cod is one of the top areas in the world for marine mammal strandings. The animals are sometimes loaded with parasites or are sick. But, despite a long history of pollution in our coastal waters, the toll pollution takes on sea creatures has been harder to establish. […]

Graph of the Day: Philly Fed State Coincident Index, 1979-2009

From Calculated Risk: The graph is of the monthly Philly Fed data of the number of states with one month increasing activity. Most of the U.S. has been in recession since December 2007 based on this indicator. Almost all states showed declining activity in April. Still a widespread recession. … Philly Fed State Coincident Indexes […]

Migratory wading birds in decline across the Middle East, Africa

LONDON, UK, May 28, 2009 (ENS) – Populations of migratory wading birds in Europe, West Asia and Africa are declining more quickly than ever, and they need better protection of wetlands along their flyways, finds the first comprehensive overview of key sites for these small waterbirds in Europe, West-Asia and Africa. The Wetlands International’s Wader […]

Graph of the Day: Predicted US Temperatures to 2040

American west threatened by more heatwaves than past models have predicted By Hannah Hoag Extreme temperatures are expected to become more common in the western United States by 2040 if greenhouse gases continue to rise, researchers say. Noah Diffenbaugh, a climate scientist at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and his colleagues simulated climate change […]

Oil sands development poisoning Athabasca River

By Mark Hume With growing evidence that pollutants are causing fish deformities in the Athabasca River and one native village struggling to understand its elevated cancer rates, 33 communities in the Northwest Territories have called for a moratorium on oil sands developments because of fears about water quality. At a conference in Inuvik, the NWT […]

Amazon tribes driven out by uncontrolled development

‘Uncontacted’ tribes forced to flee armed gangs and bulldozers in forests of Peru, Brazil and Paraguay, says Survival International By John Vidal, environment editor Five “uncontacted” tribes are at imminent risk of extinction as oil companies, colonists and loggers invade their territiories. The semi-nomadic groups, who live deep in the forests of Peru, Brazil and […]

Iceland cod fished nearly to extinction

by Debora MacKenzie Fishing is causing cod to evolve faster than anyone had suspected it could, fisheries scientists in Iceland have discovered. This turbo-evolution may be why the world’s biggest cod fishery, the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, crashed in 1992 and has yet to recover. The Icelandic cod fishery, almost the only large cod fishery […]

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