Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Global warming shrinks glacier at alarming rate

  One of the world’s largest glaciers on the west coast of Greenland is shrinking at an alarming rate as a result of global warming with potentially dire consequences. Ilulissat, a UNESCO-listed glacier, is shedding ice into the sea faster than ever before, according to one of Denmark’s top experts on glaciology. Andreas Peter Ahlstroem, […]

Climate change takes toll on Greenland

By Slim Allagui – Thu Jul 9, 2:13 am ET NUUK (AFP) – From his trawler that motors along the Nuuk fjord, fisherman Johannes Heilmann has watched helplessly in recent years as climate change takes its toll on Greenland. Global warming is occurring twice as fast in the Arctic as in the rest of the […]

Graph of the Day: Discovery Rate of Major Mineral Deposits, 1980-2006

Slide 12In analogy with oil scarcity: it’s highly unlikely that we will find another “Saudi-Arabia” or another “North Sea” of rich mineral deposits. Metal Minerals Scarcity and the Elements of Hope Technorati Tags: resource depletion

US diesel inventory highest since 1985

By Ana Campoy Oil bulls betting that a burgeoning economic recovery would boost crude prices got another slap today. New government data showed that the nation’s fuel stockpiles continue to balloon as demand for them remains in the doldrums. Diesel inventories, in particular, soared to their highest level since 1985, more than 30% above their […]

The Amazon’s long, hot summer

Researchers are starting to make sense of a severe drought that ravaged the Amazon rainforest four years ago. Their findings are terrifying. By Paul Brown In the summer of 2005, the Amazon rainforest suffered the worst drought it had seen in a century. Whole tributaries of the Amazon River dried up, leaving ferries stranded on […]

Graph of the Day: Australia Rice Production, 1960-2009

We talk about drought in California, rainwater capture issues in Colorado, and fresh water troubles in the South East. But, as water expert Peter Gleick pointed out yesterday, we haven’t a clue about what a real water crisis looks like. Australians do. As we discussed during June when we examined Peak Water, Australia has some […]

Arctic ice thinned dramatically since 2004: NASA

  By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Arctic sea ice has thinned dramatically since 2004, with the older, thicker ice giving way to a younger, thinner kind that melts in the northern summer, NASA scientists reported on Tuesday. Researchers have known for years that ice covering in the Arctic Sea has been shrinking […]

Graph of the Day: Office Vacancy Rate and Unemployment Rate, 1991-2009

From Calculated Risk: Last night Reis reported that the U.S. office vacancy rate hit 15.9 percent in Q2. (See Reis: U.S. Office Vacancy Rate Hits 15.9% in Q2 for a graph). This graph shows the office vacancy rate vs. the quarterly unemployment rate and recessions. The unemployment rate and the office vacancy rate tend to […]

Tropical zone expanding due to climate change

Climate change is rapidly expanding the size of the world’s tropical zone, threatening to bring disease and drought to heavily populated areas, an Australian study has found. Researchers at James Cook University concluded the tropics had widened by up to 500 kilometres (310 miles) in the past 25 years after examining 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles. […]

Amur tigers on 'genetic brink'

By Matt Walker, Editor, Earth News The world’s largest cat is down to an effective wild population of fewer than 35 individuals, new research has found. Although up to 500 of the big cats actually survive in the wild, the effective population is a measure of their genetic diversity. That in turn is a good […]

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