Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Environmental stresses reducing size of polar bears

By Victoria Gill, Science reporter, BBC News Polar bears have shrunk over the last century, according to research. Scientists compared bear skulls from the early 20th Century with those from the latter half of the century. Their study, in the Journal of Zoology, describes changes in size and shape that could be linked an increase […]

Ghost suburbs in San Joaquin Valley

Everything is writ large in the San Joaquin Valley: the farms, the sprawl, and the boom and bust cycles. For the past decade, it was population growth, and houses were the cash crop of the day. Now many of those new homes and developments sit empty, gathering dust and weeds. Slide show Ghost Suburbs Technorati […]

California drought sparks conflict between farmers and wetlands

As another water war rages, the west side of California’s storied San Joaquin Valley waits for relief that may not come. By Katie Paul | Newsweek Web Exclusive …After three years of drought, California’s legendary water wars are flaring once again, and towns like Mendota, San Joaquin, and Firebaugh are getting a first glimpse of […]

River that supports Australia's bread basket replaced with desert and toxic algae

Farmer Mazzareno Bisogni fights back tears as he stands among the remains of trees he planted 35 years ago, victims of a drought hitting “Australia’s Mississippi”. Bisogni’s orchard lies in the heart of the once-mighty Murray-Darling river system which irrigates Australia’s food bowl, the vast southeastern corner responsible for 40 percent of agricultural output. The […]

Humpback whale trapped in long line near Tonga

Images have been released showing a female whale fighting for her life after becoming entangled in a fishing net in the South Pacific. These heart-breaking images show the desperate plight of a whale trapped by equipment used in a controversial form of commercial fishing. The southern-hemisphere humpback became entangled in a long line and was […]

Hormone-disrupting herbicide widespread in U.S. drinking water

CHICAGO, Illinois, August 25, 2009 (ENS) – The common herbicide atrazine, known to impact wildlife reproductive health, has contaminated watersheds and drinking water throughout much of the United States, finds a new report released Monday by the Natural Resources Defense Council that raises concern about the chemical’s effects on human reproduction. The environmental nonprofit organization […]

World's last great forest under threat

ScienceDaily (Aug. 25, 2009) — The world’s last remaining “pristine” forest — the boreal forest across large stretches of Russia, Canada and other northern countries — is under increasing threat, a team of international researchers has found. The researchers from the University of Adelaide in Australia, Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada and the National […]

Kenya deforestation brings drought and blackouts

Politicians cared little about the burning of East Africa’s largest forest – until the lights in Nairobi started going out. By Daniel Howden Under a slate-grey sky Francis Maina is hunched over a tree stump. He secures a rusted chain around it and signals for the tractor to start hauling. The blackened base of the […]

Nearly five million short of water in north China drought

The worst drought to hit parts of north China in six decades has left nearly five million people short of water, while officials warn of another dry spell further south, state media reported Sunday. A total of 4.6 million people and 4.1 million head of livestock face difficulty accessing drinking water in the north, the […]

Climate change rapidly altering Arctic plant life

By BOB WEBER, The Canadian Press Climate change is already having a dramatic effect on plants in the High Arctic, turning the once rocky tundra a deep shade of green and creating what could be another mechanism speeding up global warming. In a new study to be published in the November issue of the journal […]

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