Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Australia government says rainfall needed in the next two weeks to salvage crops

If it doesn’t rain in the next fortnight many NSW farmers could lose crops, leading to higher food prices over Christmas, Primary Industries Minister Ian Macdonald says. Mr Macdonald on Sunday released the state’s latest drought figures showing 63.9 per cent of NSW is still in drought, a slight improvement on 64.6 per cent this […]

Australia winter heatwave ‘highly abnormal’

IF YOU thought it has been unseasonably warm lately, you are correct – the Bureau of Meteorology has confirmed that this is almost certainly going to be the hottest August on record by a big margin. Temperature records across NSW and Queensland were smashed by three degrees or more this week. The winter heatwave is […]

Northeast bat extinctions looming, with 1.5 Million Dead — white-nose disease to reach U.S. West by 2012

  RICHMOND, Vt.- Mounting evidence that several species of bats have been all but eliminated from the Northeast due to a new disease known as white-nose syndrome prompted a conservation group to send a letter today to Sam Hamilton, the new director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, urging that action on the bat […]

Pollution causing widespread cancers in wildlife

By Crystal Gammon and Environmental Health News Thirty years ago, a Canadian marine biologist noticed something mysterious was happening to beluga whales in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Decades of over-hunting had decimated the population, but several years after the government put a stop to the practice, the belugas still hadn’t recovered. Two decades and hundreds […]

Yemeni killed in protest over water cuts

A demonstrator was killed and three others were wounded when police fired to disperse hundreds of people protesting against water cuts in the southern city of Aden, witnesses said on Monday. It was the third night in a row that people living in the Khor M’kassar district had rallied to protest about their lack of […]

Graph of the Day: Daily Production from Mexico’s Super-giant Cantarell Oilfield

The eighth largest oil field in the world will be dead by the end of next year. Shall I repeat that, or did you get it the first time? Like the “Time to Die” speech of Rutger Hauer at the end of Blade Runner, the Cantarell complex has surely seen its share of ocean storms, […]

Death rate spikes among migrating whooping cranes

By MARIA SUDEKUM FISHER (AP)  KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The world’s only naturally migrating whooping cranes, and the species’ best chance for survival, died at about twice their normal rate last year and will likely see an overall drop in their numbers, a worrying sign for the once near-extinct bird that has been making a […]

Power is shut off as bills pile up

By Emily Bazar, USA TODAY More Americans are having their power shut off as the weak economy makes it harder to pay bills. “We see record numbers of households becoming disconnected or in danger of disconnection,” says Mark Bixby, energy director of Rockford, Ill. Five years ago, his office distributed federal funds annually to about […]

India drought forces cattle sell-off

By Mahim Pratap Singh Drought, increased reliance on cash crops and lack of fodder are the primary reasons Jhabua (M.P.): A combination of drought, increased reliance on technology-intensive cash crops and lack of fodder has resulted in Jhabua farmers selling off their cattle, most of which are smuggled to Gujarat, according to sources. The weekly […]

EPA: Chemicals found in Wyo. drinking water might be from natural gas drilling

By Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica Federal environment officials investigating drinking water contamination near the ranching town of Pavillion, Wyo., have found that at least three water wells contain a chemical used in the natural gas drilling process of hydraulic fracturing. Scientists also found traces of other contaminants, including oil, gas or metals, in 11 of 39 […]

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