Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Graph of the Day: Timing of Flowering in Greenland, 1996-2008

Direct and rapid responses to recent Arctic climate change have included earlier flowering of plants in Greenland [replicate slopes for each genus are based on annual estimates from 1996 to 2008 in Zackenberg; adapted from T. T. Høye, E. Post, H. Meltofte, N. M. Schmidt, M. C. Forchhammer, Curr. Biol. 17, R449 (2007)]. Eric Post, […]

Deforestation and drought turning Malawi into desert

NKAYA, 11 September 2009 (IRIN) – Degradation of the environment is reaching alarming levels in Nkaya in southern Malawi, where people have to walk ever greater distances to collect firewood and water. Mayi Chambo, a village head in Nkaya, blamed charcoal makers for the deforestation. This is her story. “In the 1980s we had lush […]

EU gives Ethiopia 10 million euros for drought victims

Addis Ababa (AFP) Sept 10, 2009 – The European Union granted Ethiopia 10 million euros (14.5 million dollars) to help feed more than six million people in need of emergency aid due to drought, the bloc said Thursday. “Ethiopia faces growing humanitarian challenges which are largely due to climate change,” EU’s country representative Dino Sinigallia […]

Graph of the Day: Temperature Anomalies for 113 Arctic Stations, 1880-2009

From Tamino: Several things are abundantly clear: The “sudden recent warming” is right there. For every grid. Just open your eyes. For every grid the last decade is the warmest. Over the last 3 decades, 108 out of 113 individual stations indicate warming, 48 of 113 are significant at 95% confidence, none show significant cooling. […]

Rhino poaching epidemic in South Africa

In July, national parks in South Africa lost 26 white rhinos and one black rhino to poachers, bringing the total rhinos lost to in South Africa to 84 this year alone. The situation has led Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica to call for an integrative approach to the crisis. “The minister and the […]

Human-made crises 'outrunning our ability to deal with them,' scientists warn

  ScienceDaily (Sep. 11, 2009) — The world faces a compounding series of crises driven by human activity, which existing governments and institutions are increasingly powerless to cope with, a group of eminent environmental scientists and economists has warned. Writing in the journal Science, the researchers say that nations alone are unable to resolve the […]

‘Therapeutic’ levels of antibiotics pollute India water

Synopsis by David Buchwalter, Ph.D. and Wendy Hessler Levels of antibiotics measured in streams, lakes and well water near pharmaceutical factories in India are 100,000 to 1,000,000 times higher than levels measured in waters that receive sewage effluent in the US or China. Much of the world’s supply of  generic antibiotics is produced in the […]

Australia water scarcity started 15 years ago

Canberra, Australia (SPX) Sep 02, 2009 – New analysis shows that the water scarcity being experienced in southeast Australia started up to 15 years ago. While the results from the work by senior CSIRO researcher, Dr Albert van Dijk, may not surprise many people, it provides scientific evidence of the shift. New analysis shows that […]

Iraq's 'Garden of Eden' waterway facing catastrophe

Basra, Iraq (AFP) Sept 9, 2009 – Iraqis living alongside the ancient Shatt al-Arab waterway, the site local legend says of the Garden of Eden, face an environmental catastrophe because of massive dams built by neighbouring Iran. A vibrant fresh water lifeline teeming with fish has become a salty, polluted channel which is driving people […]

Illegal online sales endanger Cameroon chimps

Advertisements on the Internet to woo buyers into taking “playful primates” from Cameroon into their homes have become one of the primary means of further threatening already endangered species. Such sales would be illegal, since dealing in primates is forbidden in the central African country. In the past three years, however, the Internet has led […]

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