Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Scale of gorilla poaching exposed

An undercover investigation by a conservation organisation reveals the extent of gorilla poaching in the Republic of Congo.   By Jody Bourton, Earth News reporter An undercover investigation has found that up to two gorillas are killed and sold as bushmeat each week in Kouilou, a region of the Republic of Congo. The apes’ body […]

Graph of the Day: Risk of Hydro-meteorological Natural Disasters by Country

Kenya risk is only Medium? The global map of hydro-meteorological natural disasters profiles 208 countries. It displays a subset of the data used in Maplecroft’s global map of natural disasters. The rationale behind mapping subsets of natural disaster data is that each type of natural disaster presents different challenges in terms of preparedness and response […]

As its glaciers melt, Greenland to industrialize and emit 10 million tons of CO2 per year

You might think that one of the world’s foremost examples of the impact of climate change would be deterred from making exceptionally pollution-heavy plans for development. You’d be wrong. Despite the fact that global warming is causing its important glaciers to melt astonishingly fast, Greenland is on track to become one of the world’s most […]

Dire prediction for Minnesota forests

By Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public RadioSeptember 15, 2009 St. Paul, Minn. — A new article by University of Minnesota ecologists says Minnesota’s forests could shrink more rapidly than expected, as droughts, fires, and growth of native and exotic species accelerate the changes caused by global warming. The authors argue that prairie lands could expand by […]

Gaza water supplies in danger of 'collapse': UN

Jerusalem (AFP) Sept 14, 2009 – The Gaza Strip’s underground water supplies are “in danger of collapse” following years of overuse and a devastating war Israel waged in the territory at the turn of the year, the UN said Monday. “The underground water supplies, upon which 1.5 million Palestinians depend for agriculture and drinking water, […]

One in six Mediterranean mammals face extinction

MADRID (AFP) – One in six Mediterranean mammals is threatened with extinction at the regional level, mainly due to the destruction of their habitat from urbanization, agriculture and climate change, nature body IUCN said Tuesday in a new study. Of the 320 mammal species assessed by the Geneva-based International Union for the Conservation of Nature, […]

Rwanda methane mining could trigger killer gas cloud

A rush to extract methane from the depths of Africa’s Lake Kivu could trigger a huge upwelling of suffocating gas, potentially affecting over 2 million people By Shanta Barley BENEATH the shimmering surface of Africa’s Lake Kivu, a deadly time bomb awaits. A “gold rush” to extract valuable methane from the lake’s depths might trigger […]

Italy finds wreck of radioactive waste ship sunk by mafia

ROME (Reuters) – Italian authorities have found the wreck of a ship sunk by the mafia with 180 barrels of toxic waste on board, one of more than 30 such vessels believed to lie off Italy’s southern coast, officials said on Tuesday. Following a lead from a mafia turncoat, investigators used a remote-controlled submersible to […]

Drought drives Kenya herders to the brink

In the isolated border lands between Kenya and Somalia, families have always clung to a precarious existence. Now a decade of droughts has tested their endurance By Peter Beaumont in Elwak Hawa Hassan comes leading three donkeys, accompanied by two female relatives and a handful of the family’s smallest children. They have walked out of […]

Experts warn of dangerous Australia fire season

By DEBORAH SMITH, SCIENCE EDITOR NSW faces a dangerous bushfire season, with hot, dry spring weather and abundant fuel predicted to result in a higher than average risk of major fires breaking out across the state, scientists have warned. Large swathes of the country, including all of Victoria, also have a greater than normal chance […]

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