Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Freshwater species suffer most as extinctions rise

By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent OSLO (Reuters) – Creatures and plants living in rivers and lakes are the most threatened on Earth because their ecosystems are collapsing, scientists said on Sunday. They urged the creation of a new partnership between governments and scientists to help stem extinctions caused by humans via pollution, a spread of […]

Graph of the Day: Murray-Darling Basin Active Water Storage, July 1996 to July 2009

MDBA active (useable water) storage at the end of July was 1,470 GL or 17% of capacity (Figure 4). This is similar to this time last year (1,480 GL) but well below the July long term average of 5,610 GL. MDBA active storage has now been below average since early 2002. There was also about […]

Australia state creates more than 1000 bushfire safe havens

  By JONATHAN DART, October 10, 2009 MORE than 1000 properties across the state are expected to be earmarked and prepared as shelters of last resort in case of a bushfire. In one of the largest collaborative projects between the state’s Rural Fire Service and emergency services, the ”neighbourhood safer places” will be chosen, prepared […]

Organic mucilage blobs proliferating through oceans

By Christine Dell’Amore, National Geographic News, October 8, 2009 Beware of the blob—this time, it’s for real. As sea temperatures have risen in recent decades, enormous sheets of a mucus-like material have begun forming more often, oozing into new regions, and lasting longer, a new Mediterranean Sea study says (sea “mucus” blob pictures). And the […]

Thai villager beats back waves, but faces new climate threat

Kok Karm, Thailand (AFP) Oct 8, 2009 – Using nothing but bamboo poles and remarkable ingenuity, one Thai villager succeeded in beating back the waves that had slowly engulfed his seaside community and robbed it of precious land. But now that heroic feat may be undone by a new foe — the forces of climate […]

Ocean dead zones number 400, doubling every decade

CORVALLIS, Oregon, October 8, 2009 (ENS) – Climate change is likely responsible for the formation of a large dead zone that has formed off the coast of Oregon and Washington for the past eight years, researchers from Oregon State University said today. Dead zones are ocean expanses that lose most of their marine life during […]

Rising sea level threatens the south coast of England

(University of Southampton) A new study by researchers at the University of Southampton has found that sea levels have been rising across the south coast of England over the past century, substantially increasing the risk of flooding during storms. The team has conducted a major data collection exercise, bringing together computer and paper-based records from […]

Last time carbon dioxide levels were this high: 15 million years ago

You must go back 15 million years to find carbon dioxide levels as high as they are today, Earth scientists report. “The last time carbon dioxide levels were apparently as high as they are today and sustained at those levels, global temperatures were five to 10 degrees Fahrenheit higher than they are today,” said Aradhna […]

Graph of the Day: What Peaked at the Same Time as Oil?

OMG graphgasm over at The Oil Drum! Posted by Gail the Actuary on October 9, 2009 – 6:40am We know oil prices peaked in the third quarter of 2008–in fact in July 2008. But what else peaked about the same time? It turns out when you look at the data, lots of things… What Peaked […]

Even the camels are dying

By Jeffrey Gettleman GALKAIYO, Somalia — Ahmed Mahamoud Hassan has probably one of the worst jobs on the planet: drought chairman of the  Galmudug region of Somalia, one of the hottest, driest, poorest patches of one of the world’s most utterly failed states. His job is to feed people in a place where there is […]

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