Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Graph of the Day: 24-month Precipitation Surplus/Deficit for Texas

The image, from the state climatologist’s report, shows 24-month precipitation surplus/deficit expressed as standard deviations at the peak of the drought. Darkest red shows 3 standard deviations, and corresponds to the areas of record-setting drought. At that moment, (late August) San Antonio had received less than two feet of rain over the preceding two years. […]

Arctic sediments show 20th-century warming is an unnatural variation

By Staff Writers, Buffalo NY (SPX) Oct 29, 2009 The possibility that climate change might simply be a natural variation like others that have occurred throughout geologic time is dimming, according to evidence in a Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper. The research reveals that sediments retrieved by University at Buffalo geologists from […]

Global pollution-fighters find scant success

By Burton Frierson NEW YORK (Reuters) – Twelve of the worst pollution problems in the developing world are being cleaned up, demonstrating that tens of thousands of others also could be improved, according to a report [pdf] released on Wednesday. The clean-up sites, ranging from Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear disaster area to the polluted streets of […]

Britain's rare birds get more common, as common birds get rarer

By John Platt More than half of the U.K.’s rarest birds have seen recent population increases, according to the 10th annual “State of the U.K.’s Birds” report (pdf) .  Published by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in association with several local conservation groups, the report assesses the status of 210 bird […]

'Beautiful plague' of budgies descends on Outback

  By Kathy Marks in Sydney Many people believe the budgerigar’s natural habitat is a pet shop. In fact, the bird is a native of the Australian outback, and locals there are saying they have rarely seen flocks of the size that are descending on Queensland this year. Some are calling it a “beautiful plague”. […]

EPA report details coal ash threat

  We have been following events since the catastrophic fly ash spill that took place last December in Tennessee in which an unimaginable 5.4 million cubic yards of toxic coal sludge was dumped into the Emory and Clinch rivers and the 300 acres surrounding the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Kingston plant. Now, an emerging Environmental […]

World's tigers poached to extinction within 20 years

By Gopal Sharma KATHMANDU (Reuters) – Tigers could become extinct in the wild in two decades unless the world ramps up conservation efforts to halt the decline in their population, wildlife experts said on Wednesday. Barely 3,500 tigers are estimated to be roaming in the wild in 12 Asian countries and Russia compared with about […]

350 reasons we need to get to 350: 350 species threatened by global warming

On this site, you’ll find 350 animals and plants that could vanish due to global warming. If we can sufficiently curb greenhouse gas emissions, many of them will still have a chance to survive and recover — but we have to act now. And we have to act decisively, with a firm goal of cutting […]

Gaza thirsts as sewage crisis mounts

By Heather Sharp, BBC News, Gaza Gaza’s aquifer and only natural freshwater source is “in danger of collapse,” the UN is warning. Engineers have long been battling to keep the densely populated strip’s water and sewage system limping along. But in September the UN Environment Programme warned that damage to the underground aquifer – due […]

Graph of the Day: ATA Truck Tonnage Index, 2005-2009

From Calculated Risk: The American Trucking Associations’ advance seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased 0.3 percent in September, after increasing 2.1 percent in both July and August. The latest decline lowered the SA index to 103.9 (2000=100). … Compared with September 2008, SA tonnage fell 7.3 percent, which was the best year-over-year showing […]

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