Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Slideshow: Aftermath of Australia’s catastrophic 2009 wildfires

The bushfires that swept through Victoria In February 2009 killed almost 200 people as record temperatures turned the bush into a tinderbox. The events, described as Australia’s worst peacetime disaster, have left thousands homeless, destroyed entire communities and transformed forests into ash. After the bushfires: Australia counts the cost Technorati Tags: drought,heat wave,wildfire,forest fire,Australia,global warming,climate […]

Graph of the Day: Changes in Greenland Ice Sheet Mass Distribution, 2003-2008

Distribution of 2003–2008 mass changes across the ice sheet. The period (2003–2008) was chosen to coincide with the GRACE and IceSAT epochs. Numbers indicate basin-integrated mass loss rates due to SMB and D (in Gt year–1). Numbers in the lower right corner represent the values for the whole ice sheet, indicating the dominant surface contribution […]

Jellyfish swarming northward as world warms, destroying fisheries

By MICHAEL CASEY, AP Environmental Writer KOKONOGI, Japan – A blood-orange blob the size of a small refrigerator emerged from the dark waters, its venomous tentacles trapped in a fishing net. Within minutes, hundreds more were being hauled up, a pulsating mass crowding out the catch of mackerel and sea bass. The fishermen leaned into […]

Heat wave triggers total fire ban in New South Wales

November 15, 2009 (AAP) – A total fire ban has been declared for much of NSW as the state prepares itself for temperatures of up to 40C on Monday. Temperatures of 39C have been forecast for western Sydney, while Broken Hill in the state’s far west will endure a blistering 41C day. … The ban […]

Graph of the Day: Greenland Ice sheet Cumulative Mass Anomaly, 2003-2008

Cumulative SMB-D anomaly (2003–2008) and comparison with GRACE data (18). Short horizontal lines indicate GRACE uncertainty, dashed lines the linear trends. GRACE values are not absolute numbers, and the curve has been vertically shifted for clarity. The scatter plot in the inset shows a direct linear regression between the monthly GRACE values as a function […]

Fire crews on alert as Australia temperatures soar

November 14, 2009 (AAP) — Fire crews are on standby across Victoria as a severe fire danger rating comes into effect in the north-west of the state. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and the Country Fire Authority (CFA) have warned that high and very high fire danger ratings will be in place in […]

Thousands of birds found dead on Australia coast

By JOHN ELDERNovember 15, 2009 THOUSANDS of muttonbirds – upon arriving in Australia to breed – have been found dead along the Victorian and NSW coasts in the past two weeks. The birds, properly known as short-tailed shearwaters, probably died from exhaustion and malnutrition following their migratory flight to Australia from the Arctic Pacific. The […]

Record snowfall destroys 9,000 buildings and strands 7.5 million in Northern China

Via reader Gail: Unusually early snow storms in north-central China have claimed 40 lives, caused thousands of buildings to collapse and destroyed almost 500,000 acres (200,000 hectares) of winter crops, the Civil Affairs Ministry said Friday. Nineteen of the deaths resulted from traffic accidents related to the storms that began Nov. 9, the ministry said […]

Illegal ivory trade on the rise as organized crime syndicates in Africa, Asia grow in strength

By Matthew McDermott, New York, NY  on 11.12.09 A couple weeks ago we learned that at present poaching rates Africa’s elephants will all be extinct in just fifteen years. Well, here’s so more on that: The wildlife trade monitoring network TRAFFIC brings word that the illegal ivory trade has increased markedly in the latest analysis, […]

Nuclear scars: Tainted water runs beneath Nevada desert

By Ralph Vartabedian, November 13, 2009 Reporting from Yucca Flat, Nev. – A sea of ancient water tainted by the Cold War is creeping deep under the volcanic peaks, dry lake beds and pinyon pine forests covering a vast tract of Nevada. Over 41 years, the federal government detonated 921 nuclear warheads underground at the […]

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