Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Thailand's rising tide of problems

By Fiona Walker Thailand’s coast is best known to many Scots for its beaches and backpackers. But just round the corner from the sunbathers is a world where the rising sea level has taken their homes. Not just once – some families have had to move 11 times to escape the encroaching water and the […]

Sea level rise eroding island in Scotland

By Fiona Walker When you talk to people in South Uist about climate change, many already know what may be in store for them. They really live the weather, noting down its changes and understanding its impact upon their lives. Where Seumas MacDonald grew up he says people used to plough land that’s now under […]

Plastic chemicals 'feminise boys'

Chemicals in plastics alter the brains of baby boys making them “more feminine” and uninterested in rough games, say researchers. Males exposed to high doses in the womb went on to be less likely to play with boys’ toys like cars or to join in rough and tumble games, they found. The University of Rochester […]

South Australia braces for another catastrophic bushfire day

November 19, 2009 – 11:00AM (AAP) — South Australia faces a second day of catastrophic bushfire danger today. Temperatures are expected to soar into the 40s across the state, with Adelaide also forecast to have a top of 43 degrees. With low humidity, strong winds and the possibility of dry thunderstorms, the conditions prompted authorities […]

Kenya evicts thousands of forest squatters in attempt to save Rift valley

Tourism, tea and energy industries threatened after a quarter of huge Mau forest destroyed in 20 years By Xan Rice in Nairobi,, Wednesday 18 November 2009 22.48 GMT Several thousand people who had settled illegally in Kenya’s most important forest have left their homes at the beginning of an eviction plan designed to end […]

Graph of the Day: U.S. Food Security, 1998-2009

By Amy GoldsteinWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, November 16, 2009; 3:14 PM The number of Americans who lack dependable access to adequate food shot up last year to 49 million, the largest number since the government has been keeping track, according to a federal report released Monday that shows particularly steep increases in food scarcity among […]

Rising CO2 will cause catastrophic sea level rise finds Antarctic study

Sea levels could rise by up to six metres if the world fails to get pollution under control according to the latest study in the Antarctic.   By Louise Gray, Environment CorrespondentPublished: 1:56PM GMT 18 Nov 2009 The British Antarctic Survey found that during past periods of high carbon dioxide, temperatures in Antarctica were up […]

California firefighter warns of increased wildfires due to climate change

  By Myles BurkePublished: 7:27AM GMT 11 Nov 2009 During 2009 California wildfires have burned more than 336,020 acres of land since the beginning of July, destroying hundreds of buildings and causing millions of dollars worth of damage. The Station Fire, north of Los Angeles, was the largest and deadliest of these wildfires this year, […]

Russian tigers poached to extinction within 12 years

ScienceDaily (Nov. 18, 2009) — A shocking decline in the Russian Federation’s wild tiger population highlights the importance of eliminating trade in and demand for tiger parts, the International Tiger Coalition (ITC) recently said. The alliance of 40 organizations worldwide issued the statement upon news that Siberian tigers may have suffered a serious drop in […]

Texas officials: We're running out of water

By JOHN McFARLAND,  Associated Press Writer FORT WORTH, Texas — With the Texas population expected to nearly double over the next 50 years, lawmakers and water experts gathered Monday to convey an important message: We’re running out of water. There is no shortage of alarming statistics to make that point. Texas’ population of about 24.3 […]

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