Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Portions of Arctic coastline eroding, no end in sight

  (University of Colorado at Boulder) The northern coastline of Alaska midway between Point Barrow and Prudhoe Bay is eroding by up to one-third the length of a football field annually because of a “triple whammy” of declining sea ice, warming seawater and increased wave activity, according to new study led by the University of […]

British wildlife faces climate change devastation, warns Environment Agency

Rising temperatures and sea levels brought on by climate change could have devastating effects on British wildlife from salmon to wildfowl, the Environment Agency warned. The agency said the country’s waterways could be hit by invading species, such as African clawed toads and South American water primrose, which spread disease to native wildlife and clog […]

Pollution soon to render Dong Nai River unusable

For decades, ‘development’ has meant allowing industrial parks to discharge untreated wastewater directly into millions of local residents’ water supplies. The Dong Nai River supplies water to some 15 million people in southern Vietnam, but that has not stopped callous companies from dumping so much toxic sludge in the river that scientists say it will […]

Graph of the Day: Mexico Oil Output, 1996-2009

December 2, 2009 11:02amBy Kate Mackenzie Mexico’s declining oil output has been evident for some time now — and it suffered a symbolic setback when its massive Cantarell field fell so sharply that it lost its place as the country’s number one field. … Mexican oil production: from bad to worse via The Oil Drum […]

Fishermen say carbon dioxide having ‘really scary’ ocean effect

By Daniel Whitten Jeremy Brown, a fisherman from the Pacific Northwest, is pulling things from the ocean he says are so disturbing that he came to Washington to warn U.S. lawmakers about it. “This is not overfishing, this is something far larger,” said Brown, one of 10 people who met with lawmakers and legislative aides […]

Rising waters threaten Louisiana

The southern coast of Louisiana in the United States is among the fastest disappearing areas in the world. Rising waters have led to the state losing a land mass equivalent to 30 football fields every day. And as the communities disappear, more and more people are leaving the region. Nick Clark reports from Louisiana. Rising […]

Deforestation and climate change beset India farmers

By Nidhi Tiwari In the hinterlands of Malnad, lies an obscure hamlet — Balagi. Three homes, few terraces, plentiful greenery, steep sloped mountains, the landscape is picturesque. Chandra Naik’s family came here about 40 years ago when his house was submerged by the Linganamakki dam. With five sons and four daughters, less than two acres […]

Brazil's river of death

By Gabriel Elizondo in Manaquiri, Brazil The once free-flowing Manaquiri River, which runs through the state of Amazonas in northwest Brazil, is in the fight of its life against a spell of dry weather – and it appears to be losing the battle. Thousands of dead fish are rotting on the river banks and hundreds […]

Five whales die after ‘extremely rare’ beaching off Italy

By Deepa Babington ROME (Reuters) – At least five whales have died after nine beached themselves off Italy’s southern coast, in what experts called a highly unusual event in Mediterranean waters. The whales, measuring up to 10 meters long and weighing several tones each, were found stranded off the coast of Puglia on Thursday, the […]

Coral climate crisis puts 250 million at risk: U.N.

By David Fogarty, Climate Change Correspondent, AsiaCOPENHAGENSat Dec 12, 2009 3:48pm EST COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – More than 250 million people risk losing their livelihoods because of dying tropical coral reefs in what a senior U.N. environmental economist said on Saturday was part of a double climate crisis facing the world. “We forget that there are […]

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