Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Graph of the Day: Fannie Mae Serious Delinquency Rate, Jan 1998 – October 2009

Here is the monthly Fannie Mae hockey stick graph. Fannie Mae reported today that the rate of serious delinquencies – at least 90 days behind – for conventional loans in its single-family guarantee business increased to 4.98% in October, up from 4.72% in September – and up from 1.89% in October 2008. “Includes seriously delinquent […]

California lakes warming twice as fast as regional air

  By Matt Weisermweiser@sacbee.comPublished: Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009 – 12:00 am | Page 1BLast Modified: Sunday, Dec. 27, 2009 – 1:31 am Lake Tahoe, Clear Lake and four other large lakes in Northern California and Nevada are warming faster than the surrounding atmosphere, suggesting climate change may affect aquatic environments faster and sooner. The findings […]

Global warming has pushed Taiwan isotherms 150 kilometers northward

The China Post News deskPublication Date: 29-12-2009 The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) on Tuesday published a study on weather changes in Taiwan over the past century, which showed that local temperatures had risen by an average of 0.8 degrees Celsius. The average temperature rose by 1.2 degrees in plains areas and 1.4 degrees in metropolitan […]

San Francisco Bay mussels to be studied for contamination by industrial chemicals

By Kelly Zito, Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, December 27, 2009 State scientists on Monday will cull mussels from the waters around Treasure Island as part of a national study of so-called “emerging contaminants” – certain compounds found in everyday items like shampoo, bedding and birth control pills. California and federal officials say such chemicals are […]

Man convicted for killing and eating China's last Indochinese tiger

By John Platt The last Indochinese tiger in China was killed and eaten by a man who has now been sentenced to 12 years in prison for his crime. The Indochinese tiger (also known as Corbett’s tiger or Panthera tigris corbetti) is an endangered tiger subspecies that used to live in China, but now only […]

South Korea issues warning against 'yellow dust'

By Staff WritersSeoul (AFP) Dec 25, 2009 South Korea’s weather service Friday issued a warning against airborne pollution known as “yellow dust”, advising residents in western areas to avoid outdoor activities. “Yellow dust which originated in Mongolia reached South Korea, blanketing most of the western parts of the country,” the National Meteorological Administration said in […]

Year of the Tiger dawns with only 3,200 wild tigers left

KATHMANDU, Nepal, December 28, 2009 (ENS) – To mark 2010 as Year of the Tiger, the government of Nepal has announced the expansion of Bardia National Park in the Terai Arc landscape by 900 square kilometers (347 square miles), which will increase critical habitat for wild tigers. Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal says the government […]

Ecosystems strain to keep pace with rapidly changing climate

  By Steve Gorman, Wed Dec 23, 2009 8:14pm EST LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Earth’s various ecosystems, with all their plants and animals, will need to shift about a quarter-mile per year on average to keep pace with global climate change, scientists said in a study released on Wednesday. How well particular species can survive […]

Kenya food stocks to run out in April

By WALTER MENYA, Posted Thursday, December 17 2009 at 21:20 Kenya’s food stocks will run out in April, resulting in more people going hungry, a new study warns. The Kenya Food Security report blames the failed or poor rains, high food prices and environmental degradation for the crisis. The report also warns of increased inter-ethnic […]

Pakistan reservoirs almost empty

LAHORE: Water level at Tarbela and Mangla dams has been declining while water level at the Mangla dam was recorded only 40 feet higher than the dead level. According to IRSA, water inflow at Tarbela dam was recorded at 17,400 cusecs while outflow remained at 28,000 cusecs. On the other hand, water inflow at Mangla […]

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