Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Namibia's landmark trees dying from climate change

By Brigitte Weidlich (AFP) WINDHOEK — An old man gently touches the trunk of the huge quiver tree with a worried look on his wrinkled face, as he points at several dead branches lying on Namibia’s rugged terrain. “When I was a boy, my grandfather made my first quiver from a branch of this old […]

Study: Climate change means greater risk of catastrophic wildfire

Tuesday, January 05 2010 @ 04:24 PM MST Leading University of Montana researchers have released results of a new study that shows climate change will increase drought stress in northern Rocky Mountain forests, leading to increased potential for insect infestations and risk of more frequent and severe wildfires. The peer-reviewed study, conducted by UM forestry […]

Loggers invade Kenya forest while government distracted by Mau restoration

By MUCHEMI WACHIRA, Posted Monday, January 4 2010 at 20:00 Loggers have been destroying parts of the Aberdare Forest, one of the country’s five main sources of water. With the Mau Forest being the main focus of attention, conservationists appear to have forgotten the other key sources of water. A spot check by the Nation […]

Pacific bluefin tuna are going the same way as their Atlantic cousins

By Frank Pope, Ocean Correspondent The world’s most expensive bluefin: this is a headline we haven’t seen the last of. Prices will keep on going up as the fish career towards extinction in the face of an inability to control fishing fleets. While prices will continue to go up, the weights per fish will go […]

Kenya: Climate refugees targeted by human traffickers

  By Abdullahi Jamaa, 6 January 2010 Nairobi — A group of young are gathered behind a makeshift structure where they have been living on edge. They have been sitting idle for the some hours. Their discussion returns to poverty, and how to overcome it. Sweat beads on their worried foreheads. Indeed, if there is […]

Methane release from East Siberian Shelf stronger than expected

By Michael FitzpatrickScience reporter, BBC News Scientists have uncovered what appears to be a further dramatic increase in the leakage of methane gas that is seeping from the Arctic seabed. Methane is about 20 times more potent than CO2 in trapping solar heat. The findings come from measurements of carbon fluxes around the north of […]

South Africa dairy area threatened by worst drought in 130 years

By Antony Sguazzin in Johannesburg ( Updated: January 6, 2010 08:13 EST Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) — Dairy farms along South Africa’s south west coast, which are among the nation’s most productive, are threatened by the region’s worst drought in 130 years, an industry body said. Farmers in the area between Bredasdorp and Plettenberg bay, towns […]

Video: Bolivia on the global warming frontline

In 1998, scientists predicted that the Chacaltaya glacier above La Paz would have completely disappeared by 2015. Now experts say it will already be gone completely early this year. The 2 million residents of the city of La Paz and its suburb El Alto depend on the surrounding glaciers for some of their water needs. […]

Louisiana village will not be moved despite rising sea and hurricanes

By Cain Burdeau4:00 AM Wednesday Jan 6, 2010 …Bourg is a tidy Cajun bayou town a few kilometres north of Dardar’s hurricane-smashed Indian village, in the marsh to which holdout families are being urged to move by a tribal chief, scientists and public officials. Why? Because life on this spit of soggy land 10km from […]

Graph of the Day: Aragonite Saturation in the Greater Caribbean Region, 1988-2009

Using climatological salinities (World Ocean Atlas available from NOAA NODC at and NOAA SSTOI, we extended this approach to model fields back through 1988 (Figure 2b), revealing regionally averaged Ωar values declining at a rate of about 3% per decade amid considerable seasonal variability. These values are consistent with in situ measurements obtained at […]

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