Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Mountain plants unable to withstand onslaught from invasive species

ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2010) — An international research team has studied the distribution of plant species in mountainous environments. The study shows that mountain plant communities are not particularly resistant to invasion by exotic species. The scientists also warn that these may become more aggressive as global warming gets a grip. In 2005, scientists from […]

Winters less icy by century's end: Finland Meteorological Institute

Freezing weather could be a thing of the past in parts of Finland by the end of the century as climate change leads to rising temperatures, Finland’s Meteorological Institute said Tuesday. “Due to climate change, cold winters will become increasingly rare,” the agency said in a statement, referring to data from a project it is […]

Most of UAE underwater with sea level rise

By Silvia Radan, 15 January 2010 ABU DHABI — Based on a report on ‘Climate Change – Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation in UAE’ published recently, the Environment Agency — Abu Dhabi (EAD) has come up with recommendations of measures to be taken in order to deal with changes that could be brought about by climate […]

Killer funnel-web spiders invade Sydney

Several residents already bitten by the plague of poisonous arachnids By Kathy Marks in SydneyThursday, 21 January 2010 Forget sharks and crocodiles: the real menace at this time of year, at least for surburban Sydneysiders, is a backyard spider whose bite can kill you in the space of two hours. Insect experts have warned that […]

Thirst for oil imperils South America's most biodiverse wilderness

Published on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 by Environment News Service QUITO, Ecuador – Yasuní National Park, located in the core of the Ecuadorian Amazon, is the most biodiverse area in all of South America, a team of Ecuadorean, American, and European scientists concludes in the first major peer-reviewed study of life forms in the park, […]

Graph of the Day: Australia Rainfall Decline, October 1996 – May 2009

Monthly mean SEA rainfall for the long-term climatology (black bars), for the ongoing protracted drought (red bars); changes from the long term climatology are shown as blue bars. The continuous months with negative rainfall anomalies are outlined with the orange box. The long-term rainfall deficiency since October 1996 across South Eastern Australia (south of 33.5ºS […]

Asian carp reach Lake Michigan

By SUSAN SAULNYPublished: January 19, 2010 CHICAGO — Genetic material from the Asian carp, a voracious invasive species long feared to be nearing the Great Lakes, has been identified for the first time at a harbor within Lake Michigan, near the Illinois-Indiana border, ecologists and federal officials said Tuesday. A second DNA match was found […]

Bee decline linked to falling biodiversity

By Richard Black Environment correspondent, BBC News website  The decline of honeybees seen in many countries may be caused by reduced plant diversity, research suggests. Bees fed pollen from a range of plants showed signs of having a healthier immune system than those eating pollen from a single type, scientists found. Writing in the journal […]

Fight to save dying tree species

By Simon HancockBBC News, St Helena A botanist from Kew Gardens is fighting to save one of the rarest plant species in the world, the Bastard Gumwood tree. The last tree of this species is found on the tiny South Atlantic island of St Helena, and it is dying. To keep the Bastard Gumwood in […]

Climate change threatens to wipe out one of world’s largest tiger populations this century

Washington, DC (Vocus/PRWEB ) January 20, 2010 — One of the world’s largest tiger populations could disappear by the end of this century as rising sea levels caused by climate change destroy their habitat along the coast of Bangladesh in an area known as the Sundarbans, according to a new World Wildlife Fund-led study published […]

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