Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Graph of the Day: Arctic Sea Ice Melt and Freeze Trends, 1979-2007

The icy cap over Earth’s North Pole reaches its summer minimum in September and its winter maximum in late February or early March. Satellite observations since 1979 have shown that amount of ice that survives the summer is getting smaller; declines have been especially dramatic in the past decade. Recently, scientists from NASA and the […]

‘Top End’ of Australia too dry to become food bowl

  By Michael PerrySYDNEYSun Feb 7, 2010 11:27pm EST SYDNEY (Reuters) – The dream of turning Australia’s tropical north into a major food bowl to replace drought-stricken southern farmlands and feed a future Asia has been shattered by a new report released on Monday. Despite a billion of liters of annual rain, the equivalent of […]

Loss of species hits economy; new U.N. goals needed

By Alister Doyle, Environment CorrespondentOSLOFri Feb 5, 2010 1:31pm EST OSLO (Reuters) – Losses of animal and plant species are an increasing economic threat and the world needs new goals for protecting nature after failing to achieve a 2010 U.N. target of slowing extinctions, experts said Friday. Losses of biodiversity “have increasingly dangerous consequences for […]

Fewer than 50 wild tigers left in China, South China Tiger probably extinct

  By Ben BlanchardBEIJINGMon Feb 8, 2010 3:57am EST BEIJING (Reuters) – China has an estimated 50 or fewer tigers left living in the wild, but efforts to stabilize one population in the bleak northeast are starting to pay off, a conservationist said on Monday. Tigers once roamed huge swathes of China, right up to […]

Graph of the Day: UAH Globally Averaged Satellite-Based Temperature of the Lower Atmosphere, Jan 1979 – Jan 2010

From Climate Progress: Yes, the mid-Atlantic region appears headed toward an epic snow storm as “amazing moisture feeds into what is already a gigantic system,” according to the Capital Weather Gang. But while the anti-science crowd will no doubt tout that as evidence we aren’t warming — just as they did with the “cold snap” […]

Water at core of climate change impacts: experts

OSLO (Reuters) – The main impact of climate change will be on water supplies and the world needs to learn from past cooperation such as over the Indus or Mekong Rivers to help avert future conflicts, experts said on Sunday. Desertification, flash floods, melting glaciers, heatwaves, cyclones or water-borne diseases such as cholera are among […]

Climate change, pollution are suspects in rusty blackbirds' plummeting numbers

By RANDY LEE LOFTIS / The Dallas Morning, 12:00 AM CST on Sunday, February 7, 2010   From North Texas to Florida, a high-pitched voice is strangely missing from the chatter of wintering birds. The rusty blackbird, a winter visitor to Dallas-Fort Worth, has suffered one of North America’s steepest and least understood declines. Since […]

Torrential rains swell Australia rivers and dams

By ELLIE HARVEYFebruary 8, 2010 NO MATTER how much it rains, it never seems to hit the right spots, but at the weekend the water may have finally found the dams. The Warragamba catchment received its biggest fall in 2½ years. Total drinking storage increased by about 2 per cent since the rain began last […]

Graph of the Day: Americans’ Beliefs about Global Warming, by Departure of Local Weather from Normal Temperature

Local weather’s effect on beliefs that Earth is getting warmer. Figure 3 displays the simple bivariate relationship between temperature and beliefs about the evidence for global warming. Because the dependent variable is dichotomous, a typical scatterplot is inappropriate to display the relationship. To construct the figure, we divided the cases in our dataset into 100 […]

Few remain in Pennsylvania coal town as 1962 fire still burns

By MICHAEL RUBINKAMAssociated Press Writer Standing before the wreckage of his bulldozed home, John Lokitis Jr. felt sick to his stomach, certain that a terrible mistake had been made. He’d fought for years to stay in the house. It was one of the few left standing in the moonscape of Centralia, a once-proud coal town […]

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