Desdemona Despair

Blogging the End of the World™

Thirty-eight percent of world's surface in danger of desertification

ScienceDaily (Feb. 10, 2010) — Researchers have measured the degradation of the planet’s soil using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a scientific methodology that analyses the environmental impact of human activities, and which now for the first time includes indicators on desertification. The results show that 38 percent of the world is made up of […]

Syria faces ‘catastrophe’ from historic drought and free-market policies

By Phil Sands, Foreign Correspondent Last Updated: February 10. 2010 12:20AM UAE / February 9. 2010 8:20PM GMT DAMASCUS // Free market economic reforms have helped create a “catastrophe” in eastern regions of Syria, greatly exacerbating the effects of a devastating drought, according to leading critics of government policy. Speaking at a weekly meeting […]

Climate change impact of soil underestimated: study

HELSINKI (AFP) — Finnish researchers called for a revision of climate change estimates Monday after their findings showed emissions from soil would contribute more to climate warming than previously thought. “A Finnish research group has proved that the present standard measurements underestimate the effect of climate warming on emissions from the soil,” the Finnish Environment […]

Seaweed beds, the 'cradle of the sea,' vanishing

BY HITOSHI TANOHATA AND ERINA ITO, THE ASAHI SHIMBUN Fisherman Hideo Kawamura recalls how the Suruga Bay seabed full of kelp and other sea grasses gave him an eerie feeling as a novice abalone catcher. “I went down to find grasses dancing as if they were the long hairs of a woman. It was scary,” […]

Amazon River water stolen and bottled abroad

  By Stephen Messenger, Porto Alegre, Brazil on 02.8.10 A recently published report is exposing some shocking exploitation of the Amazon’s natural resources–and this times it’s water being stolen. Where is this water headed? According to the report, “tankers are quietly removing water” to be bottled and sold in Europe and the Middle East. This […]

Image of the Day: Shrimp Trawlers and Sediment Trails

By CORNELIA DEANPublished: May 15, 2007 Scientists have known for years that when fishing trawlers drag nets and gear across the ocean bottom they trap or kill almost all the fish, mollusks and other creatures they encounter. And the dragging destroys underwater features like reefs, turning the bottom to mud. Now, scientists have used satellite […]

Oceans reveal further impacts of climate change

  By Staff WritersBirmingham AL (SPX) Feb 05, 2010 The increasing acidity of the world’s oceans – and that acidity’s growing threat to marine species – are definitive proof that the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is causing climate change is also negatively affecting the marine environment, says world-renowned Antarctic marine biologist Jim McClintock, Ph.D., professor […]

Tuna Commission is mismanaging Atlantic albacore into extinction

Posted by Barry on February 1, 2010 Atlantic albacore tuna have long paddled in the shadow of their bigger, more expensive, and more endangered cousins, Atlantic bluefin tuna. Now, “the forgotten tuna” is finally getting some respect, but for all the wrong reasons. Speaking at the Seafood Choices Alliance’s Seafood Summit in Paris last weekend, […]

German government report: global ocean protection measures have failed

By Axel Bojanowski Thousands of tons of trash are thrown into the sea each year, endangering humans and wildlife. A classified German government report obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE indicates that efforts by the United Nations and the European Union to clean up our oceans have failed entirely. Since the world’s oceans are so massive, few […]

Drought in SW Australia linked to snowfall in Antarctica

By Staff WritersParis (AFP) Feb 7, 2010 A drought that has gripped the southwestern corner of Australia since the 1970s is linked with higher snowfall in East Antarctica, a phenomenon that may be rooted in global warming, scientists reported on Sunday. Researchers Tas van Ommen and Vin Morgan of the Australian Antarctic Division said that […]

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