Fertilizer chemicals cause developmental abnormalities in aquatic animals

  ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2010) — Fertilizer chemicals may pose a bigger hazard to the environment — specifically to creatures that live in water — than originally foreseen, according to new research from North Carolina State University toxicologists. In a study published in the Aug. 27 edition of PLoS ONE, the NC State researchers show […]

Coal-ash water contamination much worse than previously estimated – 39 additional toxic sites identified in 21 states

WASHINGTON, D.C.//August 26, 2010//Days before the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) kicks off a series of regional hearings across the United States on whether and how to regulate toxic coal ash waste from coal-fired power plants, a major new study identifies 39 additional coal-ash dump sites in 21 states that are contaminating drinking water or […]

America the Ignorant: Silly things we believe about witches, Obama, and more

By David A. Graham 24 August 2010 Chances are that by now you’ve heard about the Aug. 19, 2010, Pew poll that found that nearly one fifth of Americans (mistakenly) believe that President Obama is a Muslim. Perhaps you think that a terrifying outlier; or perhaps you’re a believer, and then you are in good […]

China e-waste recycling found to be hazardous

  Corvallis, Ore. (UPI) Aug 26, 2010 – Much of the world’s electronic waste ends up in China for recycling, an activity creating significant health and environmental hazards, researchers say. Scientists from China and Oregon State University have identified toxic elements in the emissions from cottage-industry recycling workshops in southern China that use low-tech methods […]

Recession pushes US birth rate to new low

By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer 27 August 2010 The U.S. birth rate has dropped for the second year in a row, and experts think the wrenching recession led many people to put off having children. The 2009 birth rate also set a record: lowest in a century. Births fell 2.6 percent last year even […]

Farmland, water shortage may threaten China grain output

By Jin Zhu (China Daily)2010-08-27 07:34 BEIJING – The growing shortage of farmland and water resources may prevent China from achieving its ambitious grain output targets in the next decade, warned both officials and experts. Acute shortages of reserve farmland and water resources are now the main restraints for the country to ensure its food […]

Slideshow: Niger’s double disaster

BBC27 August 2010 An existing, long-term food crisis in the landlocked west African country, has now been compounded by devastating floods – which saw the River Niger rise to its highest level for more than 80 years. The UK aid agency, Oxfam, says half the population – nearly eight million people – were already facing […]

Pakistan flood victims flee city of Thatta after another levee breach — 175,000 people leave homes overnight

By Mark Tran and agencies, www.guardian.co.uk Friday 27 August 2010 15.58 BST Hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis have fled the historic southern city of Thatta in Sindh province after the swollen Indus river broke a levee and flooded new areas. Around 175,000 people, about 70% of the city’s population, were believed to have fled their […]

Gulf oil spill waste heads to landfills, some with problems

By GARANCE BURKE and JASON DEAREN, Associated Press WritersWed, Aug. 25, 2010 02:06 AM The cleanup of history’s worst peacetime oil spill is generating thousands of tons of oil-soaked debris that is ending up in local landfills, some of which were already dealing with environmental concerns. The soft, absorbent boom that has played the biggest […]

Pakistanis too broken to rebuild in flood crisis

  By Michael Georgy; editing by Robert Birsel and Alex RichardsonFri Aug 27, 2010 12:04pm EDT MADYAN, Pakistan (Reuters) – Shah-e-Roon doesn’t have the energy, money or support from Pakistan’s government to help Madyan recover from floods that decimated the small town nearly a month ago. He has been walking for two days with a […]

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