Worst drought in recorded history to trigger shortage plan in Southwest US

By FELICITY BARRINGERSeptember 27, 2010 LAKE MEAD NATIONAL RECREATION AREA, Nev. — A once-unthinkable day is looming on the Colorado River. Barring a sudden end to the Southwest’s 11-year drought, the distribution of the river’s dwindling bounty is likely to be reordered as early as next year because the flow of water cannot keep pace […]

A fifth of all wild plant species face extinction

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science CorrespondentSep 29, 2010 6:43am EDT LONDON (Reuters) – One in five of the world’s 380,000 plant species is threatened with extinction and human activity is doing most of the damage, according to a global study published on Wednesday. Scientists from Britain’s Botanic Gardens at Kew, London’s Natural History Museum […]

Vanishing African penguin, threatened by climate change and fishing, wins protections

SAN FRANCISCO— The Interior Department announced Tuesday that the African penguin, the only nesting penguin on the African continent, will be listed as an endangered species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The decision responds to a 2006 Center for Biological Diversity petition to protect 12 penguin species under the Act as well as a […]

Depression up 25 percent on Gulf Coast after oil spill

The Associated Press Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 9:52 AM A Gallup survey released Tuesday of almost 2,600 Gulf Coast residents showed that depression cases are up more than 25 percent since an oil rig explosion killed 11 people and unleashed a three-month oil spill into the Gulf in April that ruined many livelihoods. The conclusions […]

Acidification of oceans may contribute to global declines of shellfish

ScienceDaily (Sep. 29, 2010) — The acidification of the Earth’s oceans due to rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) may be contributing to a global decline of clams, scallops and other shellfish by interfering with the development of shellfish larvae, according to two Stony Brook University scientists, whose findings are published online and in the […]

Lake Mead: Then and Now

Two images from the Thematic Mapper on the Landsat 5 satellite show some of the stark changes on the eastern end of Lake Mead since 1985. 22 August 1985   11 August 2010 Caption by Michael CarlowiczSeptember 23, 2010 In August 2010, Lake Mead reached its lowest level since 1956. The largest reservoir in the […]

Flood-hit Pakistan seeks priority access to climate change aid

By Rina Saeed Khan, AlertNet correspondent 28 Sep 2010 12:29:00 GMT ISLAMABAD (AlertNet) – As Pakistan struggles to recover from recent devastating floods, it is pushing for recognition in U.N. climate negotiations as one of those nations judged to be most vulnerable to climate change and in need of funding to cope. This summer’s flooding, […]

Japan to drill for controversial ‘fire ice’

Japan seeks to improve energy security by drilling for frozen methane but environmentalists fear a leak of the greenhouse gas, which is 21 times as damaging as carbon dioxide By Michael Fitzpatrick, www.guardian.co.uk Monday 27 September 2010 09.22 BST In a bid to shore up its precarious energy security Japan is to start commercial test […]

Graph of the Day: Nitrogen in US Groundwater, 1900-2003

The NAWQA trends assessment for nutrients in streams reflects periodic measurements of concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus from 1993 to 2003 (yellow vertical shaded area). This was a period of relatively small changes in nitrogen fertilizer use, which followed a more than 10-fold increase in fertilizer use between about 1950 and the early 1980s. There […]

Uganda forest being stripped for fuel wood

By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.com September 27, 2010 A new study in the open access journal of Tropical Conservation Science finds that the Kasagala forest reserve in central Uganda is losing important tree species and suffering from low diversity of species. Researchers believe that forest degradation for charcoal and firewood has put heavy pressure on this […]

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