ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2011) — To combat last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill, nearly 800,000 gallons of chemical dispersant were injected directly into the oil and gas flow coming out of the wellhead nearly one mile deep in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, as scientists begin to assess how well the strategy worked at breaking […]
By Matt Sedensky of The Associated Press Published: Wednesday, January 26, 2011, 7:10 PM More sea turtles were killed or injured in the Gulf of Mexico in the months following the BP oil spill than in any similar period during the past two decades, a report released Wednesday found. While the report suggested many of […]
25 Jan 2011 (Reuters) – Flood waters continue to swamp parts of northwest Victoria, as a massive inland sea threatens towns and villages. Simon Hanna reports. Floods swamp Australia’s Victoria Technorati Tags: Australia,flood,monsoon,global warming,climate change
By Gavin Schmidt 21 January 2011 As we did roughly a year ago (and as we will probably do every year around this time), we can add another data point to a set of reasonably standard model-data comparisons that have proven interesting over the years. First, here is the update of the graph showing the […]
ScienceDaily (Jan. 26, 2011) — Hotter summers may not be as catastrophic for the Greenland ice sheet as previously feared and may actually slow down the flow of glaciers, according to new research. A letter published in Nature on 27 January 2011 explains how increased melting in warmer years causes the internal drainage system of […]
By JUSTIN GILLISPublished: January 24, 2011 Judging by the weather, the world seems to have flipped upside down. For two winters running, an Arctic chill has descended on Europe, burying that continent in snow and ice. Last year in the United States, historic blizzards afflicted the mid-Atlantic region. This winter the Deep South has endured […]
Al Jazeera EnglishJanuary 24, 2011 Towns in Victoria in southern Australia are preparing for the worst as flood waters head their way. Meanwhile, in Queensland in the north of the country, where around 30 people died in the recent floods, things are slowly returning to normal. Al Jazeera’s Azhar Sukri reports. Australia’s south expects […]
Populations of wild birds in the UK are falling dramatically with even slight recent recoveries apparently stalled, government figures show. Only seabird populations remain comfortably above 1970 levels, while farmland bird numbers continue to plunge from a brief mid-1970s peak to half those of 40 years ago. Habitat changes responsible for fewer nesting sites and […]
By Jeremy Hance, January 24, 2011 Since the 1980s, Liberia has lost 19,000 elephants to illegal poaching, according to Patrick Omondi of the Kenya Wildlife Service speaking in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia. The poaching of Liberia’s elephants has cut the population by 95% leaving only 1,000 elephants remaining. “Though, Liberia opposes trade in […]
By Staff WritersJan 24, 2011 Beijing (AFP) – A months-long dry spell across northern China is threatening drinking water supplies and crops, and more bone-dry conditions are expected, state media said Monday. The capital Beijing has had no significant precipitation in more than three months, the longest such spell in the city in 40 years, […]