Get used to killer heat waves, CDC warns – ‘The sheer magnitude of these weather events are a challenge to public health’

By Maggie Fox, Senior Writer, NBC News6 Jun 2013 (NBC News) – Think last summer was bad? You better get used to it, federal health officials warned Thursday. Climate change means hotter summers and more intense storms that could knock power out for days — and kill people. New data on heat-related deaths suggest that […]

Another contaminated water leak at Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant

By Mari Saito, Risa Maeda, and Kenichiro Hamada; Editing by Ron Popeski5 June 2013 TOKYO (Reuters) – The operator of the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant said it had found another leak of contaminated water on Wednesday, piling pressure on the utility to curb the problem as it seeks permission to release water to the sea. […]

Rising sea levels, stronger storms fueled by climate change will threaten us through end of century, coastal panelists say

By  Mark Schleifstein4 June 2013 (The Times-Picayune) – With the United States coastline, its residents and businesses vulnerable to trillions of dollars of losses from catastrophic storms during the next 75 years, in part fueled by climate change, it’s time for the nation to focus on coastal resiliency, according to Lindene Patton, a risk management […]

Graph of the Day: Biomass decline of nine whale species, 1800-2008

IWC time series of biomass of the nine great whale species with greatest abundance under the management of IWC. Line denotes establishment of IWC (1946). Data: from L. Christensen, unpublished data, University of British Columbia, 2008. Graphic: Sarika Cullis-Suzuki High Seas, High Risk: A Global Evaluation of The Effectiveness Of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations Technorati […]

Japan spring whale slaughter kills record low 34 – Whales eating young eels instead of mature, signaling ecosystem collapse

TOKYO, 6 June 2013 (AFP) – Japanese whalers hunting the mammals in the northwestern Pacific caught a record-low 34 minke whales this spring, the fisheries agency said Thursday, blaming bad weather. The whaling, conducted in the name of “scientific research,” took place from April 18 to June 3 and netted 17 male and 17 female […]

Arkansas pipeline spill casts shadow over Keystone XL – ‘If it got into a major river, it could create a plume hundreds of miles long’

By Neela Banerjee, Washington Bureau5 June 2013 MAYFLOWER, Arkansas – On warm spring evenings, North Starlite Drive buzzed with children. They cycled around the cul-de-sac at the end of the wide, block-long road, shot baskets in driveways and inevitably wound up on the swing set and trampoline behind the Bartletts’ large brick house. These days, […]

One meteorologist’s come-to-Jesus moment on climate change – ‘Something ain’t right with the weather’

By Chris Mooney5 June 2013 (Mother Jones) – Ever since he was a kid, Stu Ostro has been, in his own words, “obsessed with the weather.” One day when he was around 11, he recalls, a lighting strike hit the house across the street in Somerville, New Jersey, while he and his brother watched from […]

Climate change to affect liveability of remote Australia

3 June 2013 (PhysOrg) – People living in remote Australia are likely to be more severely affected by climate change than other sectors of the national population. A new study, released today, by the CRC for Remote Economic Development (CRC-REP) and Ninti One warns that communities and outlying settlements on Cape York, in Central Australia […]

Image of the Day: Landed trophy fish in Florida, 1957 and 2007

These images were taken from the same display board, from the same dock, from the same recreational fishery in Key West, Florida. The board displays the largest trophy fish that were caught that day. You can clearly see that with time, the “largest” caught fish get significantly smaller and smaller. A study by McClenachan that […]

Deadly El Reno tornado widest on record, upgraded to EF5 with winds of 296 miles per hour

By Chris Cordt4 June 2013 EL RENO, Oklahoma – The National Weather Service is calling the May 31st El Reno tornado the widest tornado on record at 2.6 miles wide. That breaks the previous record of 2.5 miles held by the F-4 tornado that struck Wilber-Hallam, Nebraska on 22 May 2004. The NWS has upgraded […]

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