Women, children at risk of trafficking after Uttarakhand floods – ‘People have lost everything. Their homes and livelihoods have been ruined.’

By Nita Bhalla5 July 2013 NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Women and children who have survived deadly floods in India could now be at risk of being sold as brides or into domestic and sex work by traffickers preying on vulnerable families, aid agencies say. The floods and landslides, triggered by heavier than normal […]

Poachers are elusive catch in New York City waters – ‘You go to any market, and there’s people selling fish, anytime, that’s illegal’

By J. DAVID GOODMAN and SARAH MASLIN NIR3 July 2013 (The New York Times) – It sounds like something out of a James Bond movie: Lookouts. Scuba gear. Secret caches, hidden under floating docks. Horseshoe crabs. Horseshoe crabs? The crabs are among the incredible riches of Jamaica Bay, New York City’s wildest expanse of water, […]

Maine lobsters threatened by climate change, scientists and industry warn

By Roxanne Palmer3 July 2013 (Associated Press) – Polar bears aren’t the only animals affected by climate change — a warmer world could soon be threatening that centerpiece of a New England summer: the Maine lobster. And what’s bad news for the Maine lobster is likely bad news for Maine. These tasty cockroaches of the sea […]

United Church of Christ is first national church group to divest from fossil fuel investments

PITTSBURGH, 3 July 2013 (Associated Press) – A group of Protestant churches has become the first U.S. religious body to vote to divest its pension funds and investments from fossil fuel companies because of climate change concerns. The United Church of Christ, which traces its origins back to the Pilgrims in 1620 and has about […]

The Oil Drum calls it quits

The end of an era. The Oil Drum was the single best source for intelligent discussions about the future of world energy production, with a contrapuntal theme of global warming chat. Rembrandt broke the news that TOD is closing: …due to scarcity of new content caused by a dwindling number of contributors. Despite our best […]

New UN report cites ‘unprecedented high-impact climate extremes’ over past decade

3 July 2013 (UN) – The world experienced “unprecedented high-impact climate extremes” between 2001 and 2010 and more national temperature records were broken during that period than in any other decade, according to a United Nations report launched today. The report, The Global Climate 2001-2010, A Decade of Extremes, says the first decade of the […]

Officials in the Florida Keys stop debating sea level rise, start adjusting infrastructure – ‘The rate’s doubled. It would be disingenuous and sloppy and irresponsible not to respond to it.’

KEY WEST, Florida, 2 July 2013 (Associated Press) – Hurricane storm surge can inundate the narrow, low-lying Florida Keys, but that is far from the only water worry for officials. A tidal gauge operating since before the Civil War has documented a sea level rise of 9 inches in the last century, and officials expect […]

A green venture: Tuna in a tank

By Dave Cohen1 July 2013 (Decline of Empire) – Few stories better capture the human relationship with the natural world than Science Daily’s Developing Techniques for Tuna Aquaculture (12 June 2013). Swimming around and around in a 20,000 gallon tank at the University of Rhode Island’s Bay Campus are several large yellowfin tuna captured last […]

Experts see new normal as a hotter, drier U.S. West faces more huge fires – ‘The fire season has lengthened substantially, by two months, over the last 30 years’

By FELICITY BARRINGER and KENNETH CHANG, with additional reporting by Fernanda Santos and John Dougherty from Prescott, Arizona, and Jonathan Weisman from Washington1 July 2013 (The New York Times) – One of the deadliest wildfires in a generation vastly expanded Monday to cover more than 8,000 acres, sweeping up sharp slopes through dry scrub and […]

Solomon Islands Prime Minister: ‘It is high time to move into resettlement’ as sea level rises

By Solomon Star3 July 2013 (Fiji Times) – People of Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) says it is time for them to move into resettlement before sea level rise could become a huge threat for them. This was highlighted during the three days visit of the Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo to the low-lying atolls over […]

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