In Florida, officials ban term ‘climate change’ – ‘It’s beyond ludicrous to deny using the term climate change. It’s criminal at this point.’

By Tristram Korten 8 March 2015 (Miami Herald) – The state of Florida is the region most susceptible to the effects of global warming in this country, according to scientists. Sea-level rise alone threatens 30 percent of the state’s beaches over the next 85 years. But you would not know that by talking to officials […]

Photo gallery: China disappearing into haze of air pollution – ‘We have reached a point in history where we seriously have to think about how we want to proceed as a species and how we want to treat the world we inhabit’

By Nick Kirkpatrick 2 March 2015 (Washington Post) – China is disappearing into a haze of pollution. In the capital, it’s a “life-or death situation,” as Beijing’s mayor bluntly put it in January. In February, he went so far as to declare his city unlivable. “Everyone must decide for himself if he wants to care […]

The Misanthropocene: How humanity learned to hate itself, then died

(The Misanthropocene) – […] We know more and more in deeper and deeper ways just how screwed we are ecologically. And yet we continue on, dig our heels in and argue that at least some human comfort is reasonable while we watch the world burn. Right? But we’re killing ourselves off in other ways, too. […]

Pollinators in decline around the world – ‘Pollinating species will become extinct and we will lose key, irreplaceable species in our ecosystems’

By Matt Walker4 March 2015 (BBC News) – Around the world, animals that pollinate flowering plants are in decline. An increasing number of pollinating mammal and bird species are moving towards extinction, according to the first study of its kind. Other, so far unpublished studies, also suggest that pollinating insect species are also heading towards […]

California farmers resign themselves to drought – ‘We’re having to go deeper and deeper. They say we’re tapping water millions of years old.’

By Rory Carroll 7 March 2015 Fresno, California (the Guardian) – Kim Hammond does not want responsibility for her neighbours’ livelihoods, or for the crops which stretch in all directions as far as the eye can see, or for the earth itself in this corner of California. But these days, her little bungalow office in […]

Indigenous Peruvians win Amazon pollution payout from U.S. oil giant – ‘My son and daughter died vomiting blood’

By Dan Collyns5 March 2015 Lima (The Guardian) – Members of the indigenous Achuar tribe from the Peruvian Amazon have won an undisclosed sum from Occidental Petroleum in an out-of-court settlement after a long-running legal battle in the US courts. They sued the company in 2007, alleging it knowingly caused pollution which caused premature deaths, […]

Video: Decline of Arctic sea ice, 1987-2014

20 January 2015 (NOAA) – Each winter, sea ice expands to fill nearly the entire Arctic Ocean basin, reaching its maximum extent in March. Each summer, the ice pack shrinks, reaching its smallest extent in September. The ice that survives at least one summer melt season tends to be thicker and more likely to survive […]

CIA funds National Academy of Sciences report on geoengineering, contacts scientist about weaponizing climate control

By Fiona Macrae, Science Correspondent 15 February 2015 San Jose (Daily Mail) – If it seems like it never stops raining, blame the Russians. Or even the North Koreans. CIA chiefs fear hostile nations are trying to manipulate the world’s weather, a conference heard. A leading academic has told how he got a mysterious phone […]

Pope Francis: A Christian who does not protect creation ‘does not care about the work of God’

By David Gibson9 February 2015 VATICAN CITY (RNS) – If you are a Christian, protecting the environment is part of your identity, not an ideological option, Pope Francis said Monday (Feb. 9). “When we hear that people have meetings about how to preserve creation, we can say: ‘No, they are the greens!’” Francis said in […]

California waits anxiously for a ‘Miracle March’ or ‘Awesome April’ to offset the worst snowpack season on record in parts of the Sierra Nevada

By Bob Henson  27 February 2015 ( – Californians are watching anxiously to see if a “Miracle March” or “Awesome April” salvages the worst snowpack season on record thus far in parts of the Sierra Nevada. Snow that piles up across the mountain range from autumn through spring furnishes more than 60% of the state’s […]

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