Graph of the Day: Total Additional Radioactivity After the Chernobyl Release for Six Radionuclides

Total additional radioactivity (in petabequerels) in the global environment after the Chernobyl catastrophe: (1) Am-241, (2) Pu (239 + 240), (3) Pu-241, (4) Sr-90, (5) Cs-137, (6) I-131. Mulev, 2008 As a result of the catastrophe, 40% of Europe was contaminated with dangerous radioactivity. Asia and North America were also exposed to significant amounts of […]

Iraqi Electricity Ministry demands $6 billion to resolve energy crisis – ‘Tahrir Square Two’ protest in Baghdad

By Saman Dazaee05 Feb 2011 Baghdad – A spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity said on Saturday that resolving the energy crisis that has plagued the country in recent years will cost an estimated $6bn. Musab al-Mudaris told AKnews that the ministry has asked parliament to provide appropriate funds in the 2011 budget to […]

BP will launch test to find thousands of boom anchors left in Gulf after oil spill

By Benjamin Alexander-Bloch, The Times-Picayune Sunday, January 30, 2011, 7:00 AM The Coast Guard has directed BP to drop test anchors into Gulf of Mexico waters, and then search for them, to find the best way to locate and remove thousands of boom anchors left behind in the Gulf and surrounding waters after the oil […]

New study finds that global warming could dry out the Southwest US

By Bryan Walsh February 10, 2011 It’s not the heat that might get us with climate change—it’s the humidity, so to speak. The risk of sea level rise due to melting land ice is one of the most recognized—if controversial and hard to predict—threats posed by global warming. Other potential impacts from global warming include […]

Freshwater scarcity crisis looms in Pakistan

VIENNA, Feb 10 (IPS) , 2011 (IPS) – Pakistan is still reeling from flooding that caused one of the world’s costliest natural disasters in 2010, with millions of people lacking shelter, infrastructure in ruins and donations falling short of appeals. But worse may come. The United Nations’ disaster coordination agency announced on Jan. 24 that […]

Chile drought looms as La Niña takes toll

By Staff WritersSantiago, Chile (UPI) Feb 10, 2011 Chile has ordered nationwide contingency planning to prepare for damaging effects of a drought triggered by La Niña weather phenomenon, already seen behind low rainfall and poor agricultural harvests in Argentina. A succession of natural disasters has put unexpected financial pressures on President Sebastian Piñera’s announced plans […]

What’s causing Australia ‘super floods’?

By Megan NeilFebruary 11, 2011 As Dudley Maslen watched in horror TV footage of the deadly ‘inland tsunami’ raging across southeast Queensland, it reminded him of September 11. ”To me, it was a bit like watching that 9/11,” he recalls. ”You’re watching it and it’s real but it’s just unbelievable. It’s just staggering, the absolute […]

Philippines ban logging following deadly floods

By Sally Davies6 Feb 2011 The president of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino, has imposed a nationwide ban on logging after floods which affected a high proportion of the country. The president said that too much logging was resulting in these areas being more susceptible to flooding and landslides. However, it is expected that it will […]

Extreme weather batters the insurance industry

By Ben BerkowitzWed Feb 9, 2011 9:53am EST NEW YORK (Reuters) – In Chester County, South Carolina, off a dirt road in the middle of a field, insurance companies are literally unleashing a storm. To simulate hurricane-like conditions, an industry group has built a wind tunnel big enough to accommodate nine large residential homes. Some […]

The rising oceans: Coastal societies must adapt to the reality of rising sea levels and more frequent coastal flooding

By Dr John Church, CSIRO Fellow at the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research08 February 2011 Today there are more than 140 million people and a trillion dollars in infrastructure in the first one metre above high tide level around the world. Coastal areas (people, infrastructure and the environment) are already affected by extreme […]

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