Japan utility head resigns over nuclear crisis

By YURI KAGEYAMA, AP Business Writer 20 May 2011 TOKYO – The president of the Japanese utility that runs a tsunami-devastated nuclear plant resigned in disgrace Friday after reporting the biggest financial losses in company history, saying he was stepping down to take responsibility for the ongoing crisis. Tokyo Electric Power Co. President Masataka Shimizu, […]

Fukushima nuclear workers unsure of internal exposure levels due to equipment shortage – ‘I’ve probably taken in radioactivity while eating’

May 19 (Yomiuri Shimbun) – Nearly two months after the start of the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, only 10 percent of workers there had been tested for internal radiation exposure caused by inhalation or ingestion of radioactive substances, due to a shortage of testing equipment available for them. … A […]

Graph of the Day: Annual Cost to the U.S. Military of Defending the Flow of Oil from the Persian Gulf, 1976-2007

By Mark Thompson 24 April 2011 … While working on a recent piece on how to cut $1 trillion from the $7-trillion-plus U.S. defense budget over the coming decade, I stumbled upon a provocative analysis by Roger Stern, an economic geographer at Princeton University. He says the U.S. has “mis-allocated” — others might say “wasted” […]

Brazil confirms big jump in Amazon deforestation

By Rhett A. Butler, www.mongabay.com18 May 2011 New data from the Brazilian government seem to confirm environmentalists’ fears that farmers and ranchers are clearing rainforest in anticipation of a weakening of the country’s rules governing forest protection. Wednesday, Brazil’s National Space Research Agency (INPE) announced a sharp rise in deforestation in March and April relative […]

Fresh tales of chaos emerge from early in Fukushima nuclear crisis

By YUKA HAYASHI And PHRED DVORAK18 May 2011 FUKUSHIMA PREFECTURE, Japan—The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant deteriorated in the crucial first 24 hours far more rapidly than previously understood, a Wall Street Journal reconstruction of the disaster shows. So helpless were the plant’s engineers that, as dusk fell after Japan’s devastating March 11 quake and tsunami, […]

Inside Fukushima Reactor 2: ‘Too hot and humid to work for more than 15 minutes’

By arevamirpal::laprimavera19 May 2011 40 degrees Celsius, humidity over 90 percent (in the previous survey by the robots). 50 millisieverts/hour radiation, and the Spent Fuel Pool is apparently very warm. At one spot, the steam (highly radioactive) from the Spent Fuel Pool was condensing and falling like raindrops. But TEPCO says it will be easier […]

200,000 tons of radioactive water may accumulate in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant by December

BY EISUKE SASAKI STAFF WRITER19 May 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Co. is sticking to its goal of stabilizing the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant by July despite radical revisions to its initial strategy after larger-than-expected damage was confirmed. … High radiation levels prevented workers from taking specific measures over the past month at […]

Rapture prank: Leave clothes and shoes around town

Desdemona readers outside of the failing U.S. industrial deathkulture may not be aware of the latest doomsday prediction from one of the degenerate branches of American Christianity. It seems that the Holy Bible predicts precisely the date and time of Judgment Day: 21 May 2011, at 6:00 PM local time. Desdemona likes that Yahweh has […]

Oil-rich nations export water stress to ensure food security through African ‘land grab’

Contact: info@maplecroft.com or call +44 (0)1225 42000018 May 2011 18/05/2011 The Gulf nations of Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are rated as the world’s most water stressed countries, with the least available water per capita, by a new ranking of 186 countries. The Water Stress Index, released by risk analysis and mapping firm Maplecroft, […]

Central China hit by drought, as reservoirs become ‘dead water’

By EDWARD WONG16 May 2011 BEIJING — A severe drought along the Yangtze River region in central China has rendered nearly 1,400 reservoirs in Hubei Province temporarily unusable, devastated farm fields and made drinking water scarce, according to a report on Monday by Xinhua, the state news agency. The drought, which has lasted for five […]

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