U.K. drought ‘may hit at-risk wildlife’

By Emily Beament, PA5 June 2011 Threatened wildlife such as water voles could be hit by the continuing dry weather across parts of the country, the Wildlife Trusts warned today. This year has seen an unusually dry spring, and despite some recent rainfall the dry weather is set to continue across much of the country […]

Video: Mauve stinger jellyfish could linger near Florida beaches for a year

By JIM WAYMER 2 June 2011 COCOA BEACH — The mauve stinger jellyfish spared swimmers Wednesday, after stinging about 1,800 people in the past week. But biologists say the tiny creature could pop up off the Space Coast in sporadic pulses for weeks, even as long as a year, depending on how long conditions favor […]

Plan for China’s water crisis spurs concern

By EDWARD WONG1 June 2011 DANJIANGKOU, China — North China is dying. A chronic drought is ravaging farmland. The Gobi Desert is inching south. The Yellow River, the so-called birthplace of Chinese civilization, is so polluted it can no longer supply drinking water. The rapid growth of megacities — 22 million people in Beijing and […]

China faces ‘very grave’ environmental situation, officials say

By IAN JOHNSON3 June 2011 BEIJING — China’s three decades of rapid economic growth have left it with a “very grave” environmental situation even as it tries to move away from a development-at-all-costs strategy, senior government officials said on Friday. In a blunt assessment of the problems facing the world’s most populous country, officials from […]

Arnie Gundersen interview: The dangers of Fukushima are worse and longer-lived than we think

“I have said it’s worse than Chernobyl and I’ll stand by that. There was an enormous amount of radiation given out in the first two to three weeks of the event. And add the wind blowing in-land. It could very well have brought the nation of Japan to its knees. I mean, there is so […]

France farmers in crisis with worst drought in 50 years, hottest year in a century

By Tony Todd1 June 2011 The spring of 2011 has been the driest in decades and the hottest in a century, a deep concern for France’s indebted farming community. The younger generation, which has borrowed heavily to invest in properties, is most gravely affected. The worst drought in decades threatens to cripple France’s agricultural sector, […]

Fall of the Wild: California’s disappearing state parks

By TIMOTHY EGAN2 June 2011 For a few months, still, you can see the sunlit room where the author of “Call of the Wild” wrote his daily thousand words before noon, and walk under redwoods and wild oaks on his 1,400-acre Beauty Ranch, where he pioneered “sustainability” before anyone was pushing $20 plates of arugula […]

Global warming report on Arctic: Canada has ‘more to lose than it realizes’

By Margaret Munro, Postmedia News30 May 2011 Canada’s fabled Northwest Passage will not open up to shipping anytime soon, according to a study that warns global warming is a double-edged sword for northern transportation. “And Canada is going to be feeling the harsh edge of the sword more strongly than other Arctic states,” says Scott […]

Radiation in Fukushima water estimated at 720,000 terabecquerels

With assistance from 小笹俊一 in Tokyo. Editor: Aaron Sheldrick June 3 (Bloomberg) – The water level in basements and trenches at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima plant rose and may contain more radiation than is known to have been released into the atmosphere in the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl. The amount of contaminated water […]

Groundwater depletion is detected from space

By FELICITY BARRINGER30 May 2011 IRVINE, Calif. — Scientists have been using small variations in the Earth’s gravity to identify trouble spots around the globe where people are making unsustainable demands on groundwater, one of the planet’s main sources of fresh water. They found problems in places as disparate as North Africa, northern India, northeastern […]

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