Explosion in jellyfish numbers may lead to ecological disaster, warn scientists

By Tracy McVeigh, The Observer12 June 2011 Global warming has long been blamed for the huge rise in the world’s jellyfish population. But new research suggests that they, in turn, may be worsening the problem by producing more carbon than the oceans can cope with. Research led by Rob Condon of the Virginia Institute of […]

Study shows broad decline in Rockies snowpack

By Pete Spotts, Staff writer10 June 2011 A blend of natural climate swings and global warming appears to be driving a long-term decline in snowpack along the Rocky Mountains rarely seen in the past 800 years. In the process, and perhaps more important for the future, the dominant driver behind available snowpack along the continental […]

100 years of UK rainfall: When was it this dry before?

By Lisa Evans 10 June 2011 East Anglia is now officially classed as in drought by DEFRA. Today James Meikle wrote about what this means for the farmers of East Anglia and others affected by dry weather. It’s useful to know the last time the weather was this dry, for clues about what we can […]

Photo gallery: Arizona wildfires, 2011

Caption by Holli Riebeek Burning in the mountains of eastern Arizona near the border with New Mexico, the Wallow Fire was well on its way toward becoming one of the largest fires in Arizona history when the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite took this image on June 4, 2011. Winds and […]

Graph of the Day: Radiation inside Fukushima Unit 1 Drywell, 21 May 2011 – 12 June 2001

Location:Unit 1 nuclear power plant Fukushima Current values:D / W: two hundred sixty-one Sv / h , S / C: 0.838 Sv / h Radiation inside Reactor No. 1 drywell hits new high of 251 Sieverts per hour Technorati Tags: Fukushima,Japan,Asia,pollution,infrastructure failure

Strontium at 240 times legal limit found in seawater near stricken Fukushima plant

Tokyo, June 12 (DPA) – Radioactive contamination from the stricken nuclear power facility Fukushima has worsened, the operators TEPCO warned Sunday, with probes of groundwater seawater turning up traces of strontium that were 240 times above the allowable maximum limit. Nuclear regulatory authorities reported finding the dangerously radioactive element near the damaged reactors 1 and […]

Japan prefecture tells company to conceal info on radioactive tea leaves because of ‘public anxiety’

Shizuoka, June 10 (KYODO) – Shizuoka Prefecture told a Tokyo-based mail order company not to say anything on its website about excessive radioactive material being found in tea from the prefecture, the retailer said Friday. After Radishbo-ya Co. made an inquiry to the Shizuoka Prefectural Government about the matter Monday, a prefectural official told the […]

Young parents moving away from areas near damaged Fukushima plant – ‘I can’t stop thinking about the power plant’

FUKUSHIMA, June 11 (Mainichi Japan) — Young parents are moving away from towns near the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant as areas of high radiation continue to be discovered, raising fears over the effects on young children. Around 50 kilometers northwest of the power plant is Soma city’s Tamano district, located at the foot […]

Water injection failing to cool Fukushima Unit 4 spent fuel storage pool – Wrecked piping delays new cooling plan

June 12 (NHK) – The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has been forced to reconsider its plan to cool the spent fuel storage pool of the No. 4 reactor. Water injection from a special vehicle has not been intense enough to cool the water in the pool, allowing the temperature to remain […]

Sludge from treating contaminated Fukushima water will contain 100 million becquerels per cubic centimeter of radiation

June 10 (Mainichi Japan) – Sludge that will be generated in the process of treating radioactive water at the tsunami-hit Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant is estimated to contain 100 million becquerels of radioactive substances per cubic centimeter, the plant operator said. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) made the estimation in a report on […]

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