Almost 200 square miles (500 square kilometers) of the Yellow Sea off China are covered by a massive bloom of green algae, according to a report from China’s Xinhua news service. The bloom has spread to almost 7,400 square miles (19,050 square kilometers) in total and is expected to grow, Xinhua reported, citing the North […]
By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.com25 July 2011 Arguably the globe’s most well-known conservation organization, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), has been facilitating illegal logging, vast deforestation, and human rights abuses by pairing up with notorious logging companies in a flagging effort to convert them to greener practices, alleges a new report by Global Witness. […]
By CalculatedRisk21 July 2011 This is a day to remember – Greece will now default – so this is probably worth one more post (I haven’t seen a rating agency downgrade them yet). For details: STATEMENT BY THE HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT OF THE EURO AREA AND EU INSTITUTIONS. Note: The history of the […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera 19 July 2011 That’s an amazing reduction from the maximum emission of 2,000 terabecquerels per hour on March 15, it is actually one-2 millionth of the maximum, says TEPCO in the Reference No. 2 of the progress report on the “roadmap” to God knows where. Is this number, 1 billion becquerels per hour […]
By EVAN LEHMANN of ClimateWire22 July 2011 CHICAGO — A three-year study to determine the possible impacts of climate change on federal flood insurance will warn of huge increases to the amount of land that could be inundated by rising sea levels, heavier downpours and stormier coastlines. The size of the nation’s flood plains is […]
WICHITA, July 23 (AP) — The drought that has hit sections of Kansas this year has also affected wildlife that relies on rivers, streams and rain to survive. “It’s too dry for everything from the little things to the big things, which eat the little things,” said Don Distler, a biologist who manages Wichita State University’s […]
NEW YORK, July 22 (Reuters) – Power company Consolidated Edison (ED.N) said its peak electric use hit an all-time high on Friday as a brutal heat wave enveloped New York City. Con Edison said late on Friday that its overall electric use peaked at 13,189 megawatts at 4 p.m. That eclipsed an all-time record of […]
By John Otis, Global Post22 July 2011 NEVADOS NATIONAL PARK, Colombia — Every year, the magnificent glacier-topped mountains of Nevados National Park attract thousands of tourists. But the snow and ice caps — called “nevados” in Spanish — are melting so fast that officials may have to come up with a new name for the […]
By Monica Spain20 July 2011 With summer in full swing, area beaches see a lot of action. But the shores of the western coast of the United States may be hit with large-scale erosion in coming years, wiping out coastlines that provide protection from the surf, as well as pleasure. That’s according to a new […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera 22 July 2011 This animation was created by the Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, a government corporation under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (which regulates the nuclear industry), to train Senior Specialists for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness on the severe accident of loss of cooling, using a Mark-1 Boiling Water Reactor. It […]