Historic drought worsens in Midwest; parched Plains in bad shape

By Michael Hirtzer with additional reporting by Julie Ingwersen; Editing by John Picinich4 Aug 2011 CHICAGO (Reuters) – Drought worsened in the Midwest during the last week as record-high temperatures stressed the developing corn and soybean crops, while cotton and pastures eroded amid a historic drought in the southern Plains. Nearly 38 percent of the […]

Heat wave pushes Texas power grid into red zone – Record power usage tops 68,000 megawatts

By Eileen O’Grady, with additional reporting by Scott DiSavino in New York, editing by Chris Baltimore; Editing by David Gregorio4 Aug 2011 HOUSTON (Reuters) – The Texas power grid operator has scrambled this week to meet soaring electricity demand in the face of a brutal heat wave, and residents of the second most populous U.S. […]

Drought turns Texas lake blood-red

A Texas lake that turned blood-red this summer may not be a sign of the End Times, but probably is the end of a popular fishing and recreation spot. A drought has left the OC Fisher Reservoir in San Angelo State Park in West Texas almost entirely dry. The water that is left is stagnant, […]

January floods in Queensland still take toll on marine life

By Frances Adcock4 August 2011 People living on the Queensland coast are being warned to expect more marine deaths because of flooding earlier this year. The president of the Wide Bay Conservation Council, Roger Currie, says the scale of the events has affected seagrass beds from Rockhampton to the Gold Coast. He says the habitat […]

Famine zone extended to Mogadishu as UN struggles in Somalia

By JASON STRAZIUSO4 August 2011 THREE new Somali regions have been declared famine zones, expanding the area where the highest rates of malnutrition and mortality are taking place, including the refugee camps in the capital, Mogadishu. The UN’s food agency said yesterday famine is likely to spread across all of Somalia’s south in the next […]

Climate skeptics can’t get on TV, says climate skeptic on TV

By Ben DimieroAugust 02, 2011  In a 700 Club segment rehashing climate science pseudo-scandals, Cato Institute climatologist Patrick Michaels had a peculiar observation for someone appearing on television: scientists like him, who doubt climate change will have serious consequences, have a hard time getting on TV. MICHAELS: I’m not convinced that there are that many […]

Japan sacks top officials over nuclear disaster

By Rie Ishiguro, Yoko Kubota; Editing by Edwina Gibbs3 August 2011 9:48pm EDT TOKYO (Reuters) – Japan sacked three senior bureaucrats in charge of nuclear power policy on Thursday, holding them to account for a series of scandals which have broken out in recent weeks over the government’s cozy relationship with the power industry. Japanese […]

Arctic sea ice at record low for July

Contact NSIDC User Services or call +1 303.492.61993 August 2011 Arctic sea ice extent averaged for July 2011 reached the lowest level for the month in the 1979 to 2011 satellite record, even though the pace of ice loss slowed substantially during the last two weeks of July. Shipping routes in the Arctic have less […]

Graph of the Day: Chinstrap Penguin Breeding Pair Abundance, 1977-2009

The West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) and adjacent Scotia Sea support abundant wildlife populations, many of which were nearly extirpated by humans. This region is also among the fastest-warming areas on the planet, with 5–6 °C increases in mean winter air temperatures and associated decreases in winter sea-ice cover. These biological and physical perturbations have affected […]

Fukushima: Deadly radiation zone may have been caused by hydrogen explosion – Nearby pipes also show signs of ultra-high radiation

August 3 (Yomiuri Shimbun) – Record-high radiation levels of more than 10 sieverts (10,000 millisieverts) per hour have been detected on a pipe at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, according to Tokyo Electric Power Co. TEPCO said Monday no workers trying to bring the plant under control have been working near the […]

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