By Brendan DeMelle25 November 11 The UK police force tasked with investigating the hacking of emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (the debunked “Climategate”) seems to have quietly de-prioritized its investigation earlier this year, according to documents released under the UK Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Norfolk […]
November 26 ( – Nouriel Roubini, an American economist and a Nobel Prize winner in economics, became world-famous after forecasting the latest global economic crisis. His opinion is respected around the world. In his recent article published in The Financial Times, Mr. Roubini says the eurozone may collapse. Actually, this is not the first time […]
November 27 (Telegraph) – More than 900 people have called for emergency help and 29 people were rescued from the floodwaters, which on Saturday claimed the life of a three-year-old boy who was swept into a surging storm-water drain. Officials said the northern New South Wales town of Wee Waa would be cut off for […]
By GILLIAN GOTORA, Associated Press26 November 2011 HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) – As she surveys her small, bare plot in Zimbabwe’s capital, farmer Janet Vambe knows something serious is happening, even if she has never heard of climate change. “Long ago, I could set my calendar with the date the rains started,” the 72-year-old said. Nowadays, […]
Relative composition of the periphytic diatom assemblages along the CO2 gradient, including all genera present over 1% and with all unidentified diatoms grouped as unidentified pennate or naviculoid. Between September 2009 and October 2010, mean surface seawater pH decreased with increasing proximity to CO2 vents (S1 = 8.18, S2 = 8.05, S3 = 7.49, n […]
November 23 ( – A peace accord has been announced to resolve a long-running conflict between a giant state-owned plantation company and local communities on the Indonesian island of Java. The Forest Trust (TFT), an international NGO that works to improve the environmental performance of companies’ supply chains, says it has negotiated a deal under […]
By Noe Torres, with additional reporting by Adriana Barrera; Editing by Marguerita Choy25 November 2011 MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico is being battered its worst drought in seven decades, which has devastated farm life and is expected to continue into next year. The lack of rainfall has affected almost 70 percent of the country and […]
Kampala, November 18 (IPCC) – The Summary for Policymakers of the Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) was approved today by member governments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The Summary for Policymakers of the SREX is available at and […]
Occasionally, the commercial mass media tip their hand and give us a glimpse of the Man Behind the Curtain. In this case, TIME magazine has posted the covers of its December 5th edition for different world markets, all on the same web page for easy comparison. The rest of the world gets to read about […]
By ANGELA K. BROWN and MICHAEL GRACZYK Associated Press BLUFFTON, Texas, November 20 (AP) – Johnny C. Parks died two days before his first birthday more than a century ago. His grave slipped from sight along with the rest of the tiny town of Bluffton when Lake Buchanan was filled 55 years later. Now, the […]