By Ellyn Schwaiger16 November 2011 Sharks have been active in the clear, jewel-like waters of Western Australia (WA) in recent years. In fact, there have been four shark attack fatalities in the past fourteen months. This highly unusual number spawned a recent review of the region’s shark mitigation strategies by regional officials. In the midst […]
A helicopter pilot speaks out about his experiences onboard a number of purse seine tuna fishing vessels operating in the Pacific. His gruesome footage shows how the use of Fish Aggregation Devices is resulting in the bycatch of all sorts of marine life and contributes to the depletion of tuna stocks. Greenpeace is campaigning for […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera 30 November 2011 In the first post on the subject, I translated what NHK reported: 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故で、メルトダウンが起きた1号機の燃料は、鋼鉄の原子炉の底を突き破って相当の量が格納容器に落下し、容器の底のコンクリートを溶かして最大で65センチ浸食していると推定されることが、東京電力の解析結果から分かりました。 It has been discovered by TEPCO’s analysis that the significant amount of Reactor 1’s melted fuel pierced through the steel Reactor Pressure Vessel and dropped onto the Containment Vessel, then melted the concrete at the bottom of […]
By Jayne Clark, USA TODAY30 November 2011 A Ukrainian court has banned tourists from the site of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear plant meltdown less than a year after government officials declared the region safe and opened it for tours. Officials had said the 18-mile “dead zone” around the site of history’s worst nuclear accident was […]
By Felicity Carus, November 2011 A native American community in remote Alaska this week revived legal efforts to hold some of the world’s largest energy companies accountable for allegedly destroying their village because of global warming. The so-called “climigration” trial would be the first of its kind, potentially creating a precedent in the US […]
November 30 (Reuters) – Canada’s failure to deny reports that it is about to ditch the Kyoto Protocol is “setting a bad example” to other developed nations as global climate change talks enter their third day, China’s official news agency said on Wednesday. Canadian Environment Minister Peter Kent said on Monday that Kyoto was “the […]
By MOLLY MURRAY, The News Journal30 November 2011 Tom Owen looked at the state’s sea-level-rise projection map of Lewes along Delaware Bay on Tuesday night and was only slightly reassured. He was one of about 100 people who came to see the state Sea Level Advisory Committee’s projections of what gradually rising coastal waters will […]
By James Kirkup, Deputy Political Editor25 November 2011 As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible. Diplomats are preparing to help Britons abroad through a banking collapse and even riots arising from […]
By Jonathan Henderson9 November 2011 This week, the United States Coast Guard concluded that BP can wind down its efforts to clean oil still marring the shores of the Gulf coast, unless officials can prove that the oil is BP’s. For more on this decision and what it means for cleanup efforts, take a look […]
GULFPORT, Mississippi, November 28 (AP) – Two more dead dolphins have washed ashore in Mississippi, but scientists hope an ailing dolphin found in neighboring Alabama will provide answers about what is killing the marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico. Mobi Solangi, director of the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies, said the two dead dolphins […]