By Vicki Waterhouse, Fairfax NZ News7 January 2012 Four more penguins have been brought into Massey University’s wildlife centre in Palmerston North as oil from the stricken Rena continues to cause havoc on the Tauranga coastline. Staff from Massey University’s wildlife centre have been helping hundreds of oiled birds and animals in Tauranga since October […]
By Hannah Hoag11 December 2011 Ocean acidification — caused by climate change — looks likely to damage crucial fish stocks. Two studies published today in Nature Climate Change reveal that high carbon dioxide concentrations can cause death1 and organ damage in very young fish. The work challenges the belief that fish, unlike organisms with shells […]
By David Archer7 January 2012 Let’s suppose that the Arctic started to degas methane 100 times faster than it is today. I just made that number up trying to come up with a blow-the-doors-off surprise, something like the ozone hole. We ran the numbers to get an idea of how the climate impact of an […]
By Laine Welch, For the Alaska Journal of Commerce21 December 2011 West Coast shellfish growers have learned to work around upwellings of corrosive waters and save the lives of their bivalve stocks. Increased levels of carbon dioxide, or CO2, in the atmosphere are changing the chemistry of the oceans, making it more acidic. The CO2 […]
Presenter: Campbell CooneySpeaker: Tatuau Pese, secretary general, Tuvalu Red Cross 28 December 2011 Tuvalu and Kiribati will be amongst the island nations bracing for king tides. In January and February, the low lying atoll nations are hit by massive tides, which damage foreshore areas, destroy crops, and affect water supplies. Tuvalu is just recovering from […]
January 6 (NZH) – The Rena is set to be battered this weekend by some of the largest sea swells to hit the cargo ship since it grounded on the Astrolabe Reef on October 5. However officials are confident they have plans to deal with the worst-case scenario of the ship breaking up, and crews […]
Tamino poses the question: What’s the chance that if we continue with business-as-usual, man-made global warming will lead to disastrous climate change? It isn’t zero. It isn’t one. What is epsilon? Although one could quibble with the assumption that it isn’t 1 – why wouldn’t it be? – here’s what Des wrote in comments: Assumptions […]
By Jens Erik Gould / Los Angeles 3 January 2011 To quench the thirst of Southern California’s some 20 million people, water must be imported from hundreds of miles away, across a daunting array of deserts, valleys and mountains. For decades, Angelenos have muttered a doomsday refrain: our water supply isn’t sustainable, and we are […]
By Robert Lalasz3 Jan 2012 Let’s say the rise in sea level that climate change will bring us — from melting ice caps and expanding seas — won’t be “all that bad” by, oh, the year 2080. Maybe … just half a meter (a little under 20 inches). We can deal with half a meter, […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera2 January 2012 Teeth and toenails falling off and clumps of hair coming off, she reports in her blog. She doesn’t seem to care any more if people dismiss her as fabricating the story, and just tells as a matter of fact what’s been happening to her and her husband, probably both in their […]