Text issued as NASA Headquarters release No. 12-020Steve Cole, NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C., 202-358-0918stephen.e.cole@nasa.gov Leslie McCarthy, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, N.Y., 212-678-5507leslie.m.mccarthy@nasa.gov 19 January 2012 The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth warmest since 1880, according to NASA scientists. The finding continues a trend in which nine of […]
By Jeremy Hance, www.mongabay.com19 January 2012 Damming of the Xingu River has begun in Brazil to make way for the eventual construction of the hugely controversial, Belo Monte dam. The Norte Energia (NESA) consortium has begun building coffer dams across the Xingu, which will dry out parts of the river before permanent damming, reports the […]
Water scarcity is growing and salinization and pollution of groundwater and degradation of water bodies and water-related ecosystems are rising, the State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW) reports. Large inland water bodies are under pressure from a combination of reduced inflows and higher nutrient loading — the excessive […]
Contact: David T. Eisenhauer (FWS), 703-358-2284 John Ewald (NOAA), 202-482-3978 Laura MacLean (AFWA), 202-624-7744 19 January 2012 WASHINGTON – In partnership with state, tribal, and federal agency partners, the Obama Administration today released the first draft national strategy to help decision makers and resource managers prepare for and help reduce the impacts of climate change […]
Contact: University of Hawaiʻi at MānoaLeonard Freed, (808) 956-8655 Rebecca Cann, (808) 956-552119 January 2012 Native birds at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge are in unprecedented trouble, according to a paper recently published in the journal PLoS ONE. The paper, titled “Changes in timing, duration, and symmetry of molt of Hawaiian forest birds,” was authored […]
January 19 (ONE News) – For the first time salvage crews have removed containers from the front section of the stricken Rena. ONE News got close to the cargo vessel for the first time today since it split in half 12 days ago. Reporter Kim Vinnell said that as well as the pungent smell of […]
By Steve Connor16 January 2012 He is one of the most vilified men in the highly vilified field of climate science, yet Professor Michael Mann is surprisingly jolly. Despite being the focus of a brutal campaign orchestrated by the fossil-fuel industry and senior politicians within the US Republican Party, Mann’s cheery stoicism is positively […]
By Josephine Forster and Michael McCarthy 16 January 2012 Olympic athletes could suffer impaired performance times and become ill as a result of London’s unacceptably high levels of air pollution, leading respiratory scientists are warning. Fears are growing that during the Games, beginning in July, athletes, who take in much more air than a sedentary […]
By Nouriel Roubini, Project Syndicate 13 January 2012 Macroeconomic indicators for the United States have been better than expected for the last few months. Job creation has picked up. Indicators for manufacturing and services have improved moderately. Even the housing industry has shown some signs of life. And consumption growth has been relatively resilient. But, […]
By SIMON ROMERO14 January 2012 RIO BRANCO, Brazil – Edmar Araújo still remembers the awe. As he cleared trees on his family’s land decades ago near Rio Branco, an outpost in the far western reaches of the Brazilian Amazon, a series of deep earthen avenues carved into the soil came into focus. “These lines were […]