By Margaret Kriz Hobson28 January 2012 A group of 573 scientists today released a letter (PDF) to President Obama asking him to stop oil drilling in Alaska’s Arctic waters until experts can study the proposed oil development’s impacts on sensitive Arctic ecosystems and native subsistence activities. … “We want to make it a high priority […]
By arevamirpal::laprimavera 28 January 2012 Toshihiro Takatsuji, associate professor at Nagasaki University announced the result of his measurement of radioactive cesium in the air at an international symposium, and said a high level of cesium-134 (11,300 becquerels/kg) was detected from the dust collected in the filter paper in early April last year in Nagasaki City, […]
Prominent doom blogger Gail Zawacki, of Wit’s End fame, has succumbed to the demands of her high-school-aged kid and created a new website for her collection of photographs and scientific papers. Here’s how Gail describes the new site: I hadn’t paid much attention to climate change, even though I saw An Inconvenient Truth when it […]
By Cain Burdeau of the Associated Press28 January 2012 NEW ORLEANS – On the day the Deepwater Horizon sank, BP officials warned in an internal memo that if the well was not protected by the blow-out preventer at the drill site, crude oil could burst into the Gulf of Mexico at a rate of 3.4 […]
By SHARON LaFRANIERE27 January 2012 BEIJING – Weary of waiting for the authorities to alert residents to the city’s most pernicious air pollutant, citizen activists last May took matters here into their own hands: they bought their own $4,000 air-quality monitor and posted its daily readings on the Internet. That began a chain reaction. Volunteers […]
The large and persistent external imbalances in the global economy that have developed over the past decade remain a point of concern for policymakers. Reducing these imbalances has been the major focus of consultations among G20 Finance Ministers under the G20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth and the related Mutual Assessment Process (MAP) […]
By David Ljunggren, with additional reporting by Jeff Jones in Calgary; editing by Peter Galloway26 January 2012 OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada disassociated itself on Thursday from an embarrassing official policy paper that said the country’s independent energy regulator, now studying a controversial oil pipeline, is in fact a government ally. Critics have long charged the […]
By Sami Grover, Business / Corporate Responsibility24 January 2012 This is ironic. Having bank rolled climate denial for years, it seems many oil companies and utilities are planning for the inevitability of man-made climate change. Marc Gunther has a piece on the coming shift to climate preparedness that is well worth reading: Utilities, the oil […]
By Mike Barrett, NaturalSociety12 January 2012 It has recently been reported that certain research was suppressed concerning the bee decline which has been occurring over the past few years. It seems that the large sum of money raked in by Bayer, a maker of pesticides, was enough to kick research under the carpet that linked […]
By Janice Lloyd, USA TODAY26 January 2012 Southern magnolias, lovers of sultry weather, braving the chillier Northeast? Camellias, a New Orleans trademark, staking out in North Carolina and higher latitudes? It’s true, gardening experts say, and expect similar oddities to represent the new norm. It is now safe to plant new species in many parts […]