Farmers must spend more on herbicides as effectiveness fades – ‘We’re going backward 15 years’

By Kevin Pieper, USA TODAY18 April 2012 A much-used herbicide, which for years has helped farmers throughout the United States increase profits, is losing its effectiveness and forcing producers to spend more and use more chemicals to control the weeds that threaten yields. “I’ve gone from budgeting $45 an acre just two years ago to […]

Video: Huge tire fire causes Kuwait ‘environmental catastrophe’

KUWAIT CITY: Hundreds of Kuwaiti firemen on Tuesday fought to contain a massive fire in a dump for used tires, with some members of parliament calling the blaze an environmental catastrophe. Firemen from the national guard, the army and the oil sector joined efforts to extinguish the fire that was still raging 10 hours after […]

Study links massive oyster die-offs in Northwest U.S. to ocean acidification

CONTACT: Center for Biological DiversityMiyoko Sakashita,, (415) 632-5308April 11, 2012 SAN FRANCISCO – April 11 – A new study confirms the link between massive oyster die-offs in the Pacific Northwest and ocean acidification caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Since 2006, there have been widespread failures of natural and farmed oysters in Washington and Oregon. […]

As Arctic ice cap melts, a new Cold War

(AP) YOKOSUKA, Japan – To the world’s military leaders, the debate over climate change is long over. They are preparing for a new kind of Cold War in the Arctic, anticipating that rising temperatures there will open up a treasure trove of resources, long-dreamed-of sea lanes and a slew of potential conflicts. By Arctic standards, […]

Boston marathon warns competitors about record heat

BOSTON, 16 April 2012 (Reuters) – The 116th Boston Marathon kicks off on Monday with as much focus on the potentially dangerous heat facing thousands of citizen runners as on the elite athletes who will scorch the course in a little over two hours. The temperature in Boston on Monday is forecast to hit 86 […]

Graph of the Day: Increase in Australia Annual-Average Daily Mean Temperature, 1960-2011

Increase in annual-average daily mean temperature from 1960 to 2011 (in °C). Most of Australia has experienced warming over the past 50 years, with some areas experiencing warming since 1960 of up to 1°C. The warming trend has occurred against a backdrop of natural, year-to-year climate variability. Most notably, El Niño and La Niña events […]

Pro-oil outside groups spend more than $16 million on energy attack ads since January

By Rebecca Leber12 April 2012 A handful of outside groups, fueled by oil and coal dollars, are committing tens of millions to propel Big Oil to the forefront of the 2012 elections — outspending the Obama campaign on political energy ads by an overwhelming amount. In the first three-and-a-half months of 2012, groups including Americans for […]

Atlantis papers show familiar BP pattern of neglect

By Loren Steffy12 April 2012 We now know why BP wanted to keep information about its massive Atlantis platform in the Gulf of Mexico a secret. Thousands of pages of internal documents and emails, recently released in a long-running lawsuit, reveal ongoing safety issues, deficient design documents and a pattern of problems that are disturbingly […]

The glaciers are still shrinking rapidly – ‘We are witnessing unprecedented changes to land and sea ice’

By Jonathan Bamber, 15 April 2012 Glaciers are one of the natural environments most often used to illustrate the impacts of climate change. It is fairly indisputable that in a warming world, glaciers melt faster. Yet two recent studies published in top scientific journals (more here and here) suggest that in the Himalayas the […]

As Arctic warms, generals agree to closer ties at historic meet

By David Ljunggren; Editing by Eric Walsh13 Apr 2012 OTTAWA (Reuters) – Defense chiefs from eight Arctic nations agreed on Friday to cooperate more closely to deal with disasters and search and rescue operations in the remote resource-rich region, Canada’s top soldier said. As the Arctic warms up, major nations are jostling for influence in […]

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