[Petition: Veto Dilma!] By SIMON ROMERO16 May 2012 RIO DE JANEIRO – President Dilma Rousseff is facing one of the defining moments of her presidency as pressure builds on her to veto a bill that would open vast protected areas of forests to ranching and farming, potentially reversing Brazil’s major gains in slowing Amazon deforestation. […]
By Petchanet Pratruangkrai, The Nation 8 May 2012 Drought could result in a loss of 20 million to 30 million tonnes of sugar-cane output next year if the rainy season is not well underway by July and August, warned the Thailand Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. If that happens, the global price of sugar could […]
By Tamino16 May 2012 Over thirty years ago, James Hansen was lead author of a scientific paper titled Climate Impact of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. They estimated that doubling the amount of CO2 in the air would raise global temperature about 2.8 degrees (C, equal to about 5 degrees F). They projected that from 1980 […]
17 May 2012 (ForecastTheFacts.org) – Less than two weeks after the Heartland Institute compared people who believe in global warming to the Unabomber on a Clear Channel Chicago (CCMO) digital billboard, Clear Channel has rejected an ad campaign highlighting corporate support for the controversial think tank on the eve of its annual climate-change-denial conference. The […]
By Bruce Watson 2 May 2012 Over the past few years, high unemployment, the housing market implosion and falling wages have driven many American families closer together — both financially and literally. Parents are supporting their adult children, children are supporting parents, and generations are helping each other to weather the economic storms. In some […]
Study of tree rings, corals, and ice cores find unnatural spike in temperatures that lines up with manmade climate change By Alison Rourke in Sydney, www.guardian.co.uk17 May 2012 The last 60 years have been the hottest in Australasia for a millennium and cannot be explained by natural causes, according to a new report by scientists […]
The nearly 440 nuclear reactors in operation across the world remained virtually constant over the last decade, with 32 reactors shut down and the same number connected to the grid. Overall, nuclear capacity increased by more than 6%, due to installation of larger reactors and power uprates in existing reactors. In 2010, nuclear energy was […]
By Arwyn Rice, Peninsula Daily News14 May 2012 DUNGENESS – Debris apparently from the March 2011 Japanese tsunami is now riding the tides up the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The biggest collection of fishing floats — many bearing Asian writing and logos — has been found on Dungeness Spit, which juts into the Strait […]
Contact: Jason McGeownHead of Media RelationsTel: +44 (0)1225 420000 jason.mcgeown@maplecroft.com 10 May 2012 (Maplecroft) – The viability of water supplies throughout key regions of China, India, Pakistan, South Africa and the US are under threat from unsustainable domestic, agricultural, and industrial demands, according to a new study that maps water use down to 10km² worldwide. […]
By Arata Yamamoto, NBC News Producer13 May 2012 TOKYO, Japan – More than 60 people have committed suicides related to last year’s 9.0 quake and tsunami, which triggered meltdowns at a nuclear plant in Fukushima, the Japanese government says. The data comes as a family prepares to file the first lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric […]