New study helps predict impact of ocean acidification on shellfish

5 August 2012 (BAS) – An international study to understand and predict the likely impact of ocean acidification on shellfish and other marine organisms living in seas from the tropics to the poles is published this week (date) in the journal Global Change Biology. Ocean acidification is occurring because some of the increased carbon dioxide […]

Climate change: ‘You couldn’t design a problem that’s a worse fit with our underlying psychology’

By BETH GARDINER21 July 2012 CLIMATE CHANGE is staring us in the face. The science is clear, and the need to reduce planet-warming emissions has grown urgent. So why, collectively, are we doing so little about it? Yes, there are political and economic barriers, as well as some strong ideological opposition, to going green. But […]

Extreme heat wave dooms millions of fish across American Midwest

By Mike Jaccarino5 August 2012 Thousands – perhaps millions – of various types of fish, some endangered, have died in the Midwest, as record summer temperatures dry up rivers and raise water temperatures in some spots to nearly 100 degrees. About 40,000 shovelnose sturgeon were killed in Iowa last week as the water reached 97 […]

Alaska Arctic villages hit hard by climate change – ‘Our village is sinking very fast’

By Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post 5 August 2012 POINT HOPE, Alaska – Fermented whale’s tail doesn’t taste the same when the ice cellars flood. Whaling crews in this Arctic coast village store six feet of tail — skin, blubber and bone — underground from spring until fall. The tail freezes slowly while fermenting and […]

Report: Pennsylvania’s heaviest rains wetter and more frequent in last six decades

By Laura Legere, staff Writer3 August 2012 Pennsylvania’s heaviest downpours have gotten wetter and more frequent in the last six decades, according to a report released Thursday by PennEnvironment [pdf]. Between 1948 and 2011, the state has seen a 52 percent increase in the number of “extreme” storms – those that are among the largest […]

Jellyfish swarms in danger of clogging thermal power plants on Ise Bay, Japan

By Chunichi Shimbun4 August 2012 Large numbers of jellyfish have been swarming near nine thermal power plants on Ise Bay. Chubu Electric Power Co. estimates that there are close to 24,000 tons of the sea creatures swimming around the area, twice the usual level and the second-most recorded in the past decade. Measures are being […]

North Carolina law bans use of science panel’s finding on sea level – ‘Worst session for the environment ever’

RALEIGH, 2 August 2012 (AP) – North Carolina lawmakers have temporarily banned using a science panel’s recommendation to plan for rising sea levels, after the governor decided Thursday not to veto the measure. The measure has been lampooned by comedians and has drawn the ire of environmentalists. It blocks the state from adopting any rate […]

Gulf of Mexico dead zone smallest ever measured, due to drought in corn belt

By KELLY SLIVKA2 August 2012 In yet another display of the inexorable interdependence of Earth’s ecosystems, a bad summer for Midwestern farmland has turned out to be a good one for life in the Gulf of Mexico. Researchers from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium have found that this summer’s hypoxic zone in the Gulf of […]

Ooi nuclear plant: 200 cubic meters of jellyfish caught on water intake screen

By arevamirpal::laprimavera3 August 2012 I’ve written about 137 alarms at Ooi Nuclear Power Plant Reactor 4 and the jellyfish protesting the restart (again) in my previous post. Yomiuri Shinbun tells us the scale of the jellyfish attack this time. 200 cubic meters worth of jellyfish forced the plant to reduce the water intake by 30%. […]

Fast-moving Oklahoma wildfires force evacuations – ‘Hard to believe it’s getting worse, but it is’

By MARC SANTORA4 August 2012 Firefighters in Oklahoma struggled on Saturday to contain at least a dozen wildfires that have burned more than 80,000 acres near Oklahoma City. Fueled by searing temperatures and whipped by high winds, the fires forced hundreds of people to flee and had burned dozens of homes by late Friday. Oklahoma […]

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