By Miguel Llanos, NBC News24 September 2012 The Cleveland Browns football team hosted a special pregame show on Sunday: a waterspout seen from the lakeside stadium before sputtering out harmlessly. It was one of 13 waterspouts reported over Lake Erie on Sunday and part of what’s already a record year for sightings on the Great […]
By Jason Samenow26 September 2012 Another monster typhoon has spun up in the western Pacific. Following super typhoon Sanba that ripped across Okinawa and then into South Korea, super typhoon Jelawat is also eyeing Okinawa before a possible encounter with Japan. Jelawat is the equivalent of a category-4 hurricane, with peak sustained winds of 150 […]
26 September 2012 (University of Bristol) – Speaking at the Third International Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World this week in Monterey, California, Dr Daniela Schmidt, a geologist from the University of Bristol, warned that current rates of ocean acidification are unparalleled in Earth history. Dr Schmidt of Bristol’s School of Earth Sciences […]
By Michael Getler21 September 2012 It was not the PBS NewsHour’s finest 10 minutes. In my view, and that of hundreds, even thousands of others, the program stumbled badly. On the other hand, it was not the end of the world, so to speak. A segment on climate change last Monday evening produced a storm […]
Contact: Gisela Speidel,, 808-956-9252, University of Hawaii ‑ SOEST21 September 2012 The tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea during the pre-monsoon season (May – June) have intensified since 1997 compared to 1979 – 1997. This has been attributed to decreased vertical wind shear due to the dimming effects of increased anthropogenic black carbon and […]
Contact: Chris Edgar, Forest Resource Analyst,, 979-458-663025 September 2012 COLLEGE STATION, Texas, 25 September 2012 – A Texas A&M Forest Service survey of hundreds of forested plots scattered across the state shows 301 million trees were killed as a result of the devastating 2011 drought. The number was determined by a study of both […]
Among the Western States, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, and Montana have seen the most dramatic increases in wildfires since 1970. According to our analysis, the average annual number of large fires has nearly quadrupled in Arizona and Idaho, and at least doubled in California, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming. On the […]
Contact: Peyton Fleming,, 617-247-0700 x 120, 617-733-666020 September 2012 Worsening weather in a warming world poses a growing risk to the financial stability of insurance companies and has broad ramifications for the economy and society, according to a new report. Stormy Future for U.S. Property and Casualty Insurers: The Growing Costs and Risks of […]
NEW YORK, 21 September 2012 – The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is calling on News Corporation to improve the representation of climate science on two of its prominent media holdings, Fox News Channel and the Wall Street Journal’s opinion section, after an analysis showed both heavily distort the facts on the issue. In letters […]
By JOANNA M. FOSTER14 September 2012 For gardeners sad to see the summer drawing to a close, there’s some comfort to be drawn from the fall planting season for perennials, trees and shrubs, which is just around the corner. What’s more, there’s the novelty of this year’s updated Plant Hardiness Zone Map, released early this […]