Study: Housing developments near drying forests a deadly combination in the West

By Darryl Fears8 March 2014 (Washington Post) – As the climate warms, forest fires in the West increasingly will feast on acres of dry brush, growing into giants. In a cycle that will become routine, homeowners will flee, while firefighters will rush toward their houses — and away from areas where they could be putting […]

In California’s time of drought, turning to Native traditions to plead for rain – ‘Everyone in this town has got to come together and pray and dance for rain, and we’ve got to do it now’

By Diana Marcum6 March 2014 SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, California (Los Angeles Times) – The woman in line at the bank said she had already sold all her cattle and was now selling her land. It was one too many tales of drought hardship for Laynee Reyna, also known as She Who Makes Things Happen — […]

Industry-funded CPAC panelists: Climate change a ‘silly’ ‘scam’, ‘modern witchcraft’

By Miranda Blue7 March 2014 (Right Wing Watch) – The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this morning hosted a panel titled, “What’s The Deal With Global Warming?,” the answer to which was apparently that it’s a “silly debate,” a “scam” and “modern witchcraft.” The panel was moderated by Joseph Bast of the Heartland Institute, a […]

Global warming spreads malaria to higher altitudes – ‘In Ethiopia, based on the distribution of malaria with altitude, a 1C rise in temperature could lead to an additional three million cases in under-15-year-olds per year’

By Rebecca Morelle, Science reporter6 March 2014 (BBC World Service) – Warmer temperatures are causing malaria to spread to higher altitudes, a study suggests. Researchers have found that people living in the highlands of Africa and South America are at an increased risk of catching the mosquito-borne disease during hotter years. They believe that temperature […]

Climate change felt in deep waters of Antarctica – A surge in freshwater at the surface may have shut down mixing of water layers in the Weddell Sea

By  Sarah Zielinski3 March 2014 ( – In 1974, just a couple years after the launch of the first Landsat satellite, scientists noticed something odd in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica. There was a large ice-free area, called a polynya, in the middle of the ice pack. The polynya, which covered an area as large […]

South Africa loses nearly 150 rhinos to poachers so far this year

By Jeremy Hance28 February 2014 ( – Since the first of the year, South Africa has lost 146 rhinos to poachers or approximately 2.5 rhinos every day. This is a slight dip from last year’s poaching rate, which hit 1,004 for the whole year or 2.75 a day. South Africa is home to more rhinos […]

Drought sends beef prices soaring, with no relief in sight – U.S. cattle herd the smallest since 1951

By Joe Taschler3 March 2014 (Journal Sentinel) – Next time you bite into a big, juicy hamburger, don’t be surprised if it bites back — at your bank account. Unrelenting drought across large swaths of the Great Plains, Texas, and California has led to the smallest U.S. cattle herd since 1951, shrinking the supply of […]

Warm winter turns Iditarod trail into ‘minefield’ with ‘no snow’

By Ryan Koronowski    4 March 2014 (Climate Progress) – The Iditarod, the annual sled-dog race across 975 miles of Alaska, started in earnest on Sunday. While much of the local buzz is on whether the usual strong slate of Alaskan mushers can hold off the Norwegians, much of the attention has turned to how the […]

Image of the Day: Satellite view of smoke from illegal forest-clearing fires in central Sumatra

By Holli Riebeek28 Feb 2014 (NASA) – Dense smoke cloaks central Sumatra, Indonesia, in these images taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. The smoke is coming from fires in Riau province, where palm oil and pulpwood plantations are abundant. Though illegal for all but small landowners, fire […]

Morwell coalmine fire: doctors warn residents face serious health risks from air pollution – Thousands affected by the fire, which has been burning for three weeks and may continue months

By Helen Davidson    3 March 2014 ( – Doctors have warned of serious health risks to people living around the Morwell coalmine fire, due to a carcinogenic air pollutant reaching levels up to 20 times the average level. The Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) group, which spoke to a rally of Morwell residents on […]

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