By Chris Samoray 2 April 2014 ( – Every year, 20 million tons of plastic enters the world’s oceans. In 2012, the Rio +20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development dubbed marine plastic litter “a major environmental issue that the world must address,” and asked for management action by 2025. One group of researchers started […]
5 April 2014 (BBC News) – Dozens of people are still missing after flash floods that have killed at least 12 people and left some 10,000 homeless in the Solomon Islands. Local media said about 30 people remained unaccounted for following Thursday’s flooding. Much of the capital Honiara was inundated as thousands of people took […]
By Bill Richardson31 March 2014 (CNN) – “Nothing poses a bigger threat to our water, our livelihood and our quality of life than a warming climate.” Those are my words from 2006 upon the signing of an executive order on climate change for New Mexico when I was governor. Almost a decade later, this statement […]
Geneva, 24 March 2014 (WMO) – Preliminary analyses indicate that the global average sea level reached a new record high in March. Some regions of the globe are experiencing greater sea-level rise than others (some are even experiencing declining sea levels) due to local variations in currents, land movements and ocean warming. The region of […]
By Ashley Yeager 31 March 2014 (Science News) – About 252 million years ago an estimated 96 percent of all species were wiped from Earth, and now scientists have a new suspect in the killing — methane-belching microbes. The archaea Methanosarcina got faster at making methane by acquiring a gene from another microbe and […]
By Michael T. Klare 1 April 2014 (The Nation) – Of all the preposterous, irresponsible headlines that have appeared on the front page of The New York Times in recent years, few have exceeded the inanity of this one from early March: “US Hopes Boom in Natural Gas Can Curb Putin.” The article by normally […]
By Tom Cohen2 April 2014 (CNN) – Another debris field, another new and so-far futile focus in the search for Flight MH370. More than three weeks after the Malaysia Airlines jet disappeared, one thing has been made clear: the ocean is full of garbage, literally. “It isn’t like looking for a needle in a haystack,” […]
WASHINGTON, DC, 29 March 2014 ( – Tens of thousands of Filipinos affected by Typhoon Haiyan could lose their homes and livelihoods, unless a controversial government policy is changed immediately, according to a recent report by international refugee assistance group. In its latest report, Philippines: Typhoon Survivors Face Obstacles to Recovery, Refugees International (RI) urges […]
By Jenny Purt, Laura Paddison, and Jennifer Kho 1 April 2014 ( – The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, meant to represent the global consensus on the state of climate-change science, came out Monday. Read the Guardian’s extensive coverage of the report, including: • Climate change report: ‘The worst is yet […]
By Suzannah Hills 30 March 2014 (Daily Mail) – It is one of the most polluted countries on earth. So it may come as little surprise that the latest fad in China is literally offering its city dwellers a breath of fresh air. Numerous fresh air stations have been set up in some of China’s […]