By Joshua Holland16 May 2014 ( – Most people who deny that human activity is warming the planet just dismiss a massive body of scientific evidence as a big hoax. But there’s a more sophisticated set of climate “skeptics” who make arguments that, at least to the lay ear, sound like they’re grounded in scientific […]
By M. Sanjayan16 May 2014 (CBS News) – Mountain Bull, the magnificent six-ton elephant, featured prominently in our reporting on the poaching crisis in Africa for CBS Evening News and CBS Sunday morning, has been discovered dead. Perhaps he had been living on borrowed time, but the manner and place of his death is shocking […]
By Elizabeth Harball and ClimateWire15 May 2014 (Scientific American) – When President Theodore Roosevelt visited the Grand Canyon in 1903, he famously admonished the attending crowd to avoid meddling with the landscape. “Leave it as it is. You cannot improve on it,” he said. True to Roosevelt’s message, America’s conservationists have since focused on maintaining […]
By Jonathan Watts and John Vidal 14 May 2014 ( – Illegally logged timber in Brazil is being laundered on a massive and growing scale and then sold on to unwitting buyers in the UK, US, Europe, and China, Greenpeace claimed on Thursday. After a two-year investigation, the environmental campaign group says it has uncovered […]
By Brian Maffly14 May 2014 (The Salt Lake Tribune) – As a political conservative, Barry Bickmore didn’t want to believe warming of the planet is caused by humans and is a problem requiring government intervention. But after reviewing the science that supports climate-change skepticism, the Brigham Young University geology professor said, he realized he “had […]
By Greg Botelho, Michael Martinez, and Paul Vercammen15 May 2014 Carlsbad, California (CNN) – Thousands of homes, a university campus, a nuclear plant, a Legoland and parts of one of the military’s biggest and busiest bases: All have been evacuated due to a rare confluence of fast-moving wildfires scorching Southern California. Cal Fire Division Chief […]
By Jeremy Hance8 May 2014 ( – It could be the plot of a horror movie: humans wake up one day to discover that chemical changes in the atmosphere are dissolving away parts of their bodies. But for small marine life known as sea butterflies, or pteropods, this is what’s happening off the West Cost […]
By Michelle L’Heureux, NOAA Climate Prediction Center8 May 2014 (RealClimate) – Much media attention has been directed at the possibility of an El Niño brewing this year. Many outlets have drawn comparison with the 1997-98 super El Niño. So, what are the odds that El Niño will occur? And if it does, how strong will […]
By John Nelson, chairman of Lloyd’s of London 11 May 2014 ( – There is no doubt the climate is changing. Each of the past three decades has been warmer than the previous one, and the vast majority of scientific evidence points to this being caused by mankind’s reliance on carbon-based fossil fuels. While understanding […]
By Brian Bennett12 May 2014 (Los Angeles Times) – Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a GOP star and possible 2016 presidential contender, does not believe human activity is causing climate change, he said Sunday. “I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying […]