Heartland water crisis: Why the planet depends on these Kansas farmers – ‘We need to make sure our grandkids and our great grandkids have the capacity to feed themselves’

By Brian Brown13 July 2014 MANHATTAN, Kansas (NBC News) – In America’s Breadbasket, a battle of ideas is underway on the most fundamental topics of all: food, water, and the future of the planet. Last August, in a still-echoing blockbuster study, Dave Steward, Ph.D., and his colleagues at Kansas State University, informed the $15 billion […]

California drought imperils a dream – ‘My fear — and it’s a real fear — is that if it doesn’t rain next year, this valley will face a reality that will rival the Great Depression’

By Diana Marcum4 July 2014 TERRA BELLA (Los Angeles Times) – At first they called Fred Lujan a gentleman farmer. The retired barber washed his tractor every night and parked it in the garage, a source of gentle amusement to the veteran growers around him. He called his pistachio trees his babies, his girls, and […]

The last best place no more: Massive deforestation destroying prime chimp habitat in Uganda

By Benon Herbert Oluka9 July 2014 (mongabay.com) – Uganda’s Kafu River, which is about 180 kilometers (110 miles) long, is part of a vast chimpanzee habitat that includes Budongo and Bugoma Forest Reserves, as well as several unofficial protected areas. However, this region is losing a significant portion of valuable chimpanzee habitat, with Global Forest […]

Four rhinos killed in Kenya’s worst poaching attack in more than 25 years

By Drazen Jorgic12 July 2014 NAIROBI (Reuters) – Two armed gangs killed four rhinos for their horns in rural Kenya this week in possibly the worst rhino poaching incident in the country in more than 25 years, the spokesman for Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) said on Friday. Poaching across sub-Saharan Africa is on the rise […]

Miami, the great world city, is drowning while the powers that be look away – ‘Climate change is no longer viewed as a future threat round here. It is something that we are having to deal with today.’

By Robin McKie, science editor11 July 2014  MIAMI (The Observer) – A drive through the sticky Florida heat into Alton Road in Miami Beach can be an unexpectedly awkward business. Most of the boulevard, which runs north through the heart of the resort’s most opulent palm-fringed real estate, has been reduced to a single lane […]

Graph of the Day: Palmer Drought Index for California Division 6, January 1900 – May 2014

12 June 2014 (NOAA) – Parts of the West, especially the southern portions, have been in drought for the last several years, with the PHDI reaching record or near-record low values at times. Time series of precipitation departure show the variation over time (New Mexico, California), while maps of the SPEI show the spatial extent […]

America’s largest reservoir drains to record low as Western drought deepens

By Brett Walton7 July 2014 (EcoWatch) – Lake Mead—America’s largest reservoir, Las Vegas’ main water source and an important indicator for water supplies in the Southwest—will fall this week to its lowest level since 1937 when the manmade lake was first being filled, according to forecasts from the federal Bureau of Reclamation. The record-setting low […]

Photo gallery: Aerial images of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest – ‘I live this torment, because I’m not sure if my work was good or strong enough to make an effective change in people’s lives’

By Chelsea Matiash8 July 2014 (Wall Street Journal) – Rodrigo Baleia first embarked on a Greenpeace trip to make photographs of the Amazon rainforest in 2000 – and after twelve years and about 218,000 miles of flight documentation, he is still not satisfied with his mission in chronicling the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. “I […]

Pope Francis says, ‘This is our sin: we exploit the earth’

By Jeremy Hance8 July 2014 (mongabay.com) – In Southern Italy over the weekend, Pope Francis reiterated his view that environmental destruction constituted a sin. Visiting the largely agricultural region of Molise, the pope responded to an address by a local farmer attending university. “I fully agree what has been said about ‘safeguarding’ the earth, to […]

A letter to the Prime Minister of Japan from Captain Paul Watson – ‘If the Japanese whaling fleet returns to the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary in 2015, the ships and the volunteers from Sea Shepherd will also return’

July 2014 (Sea Shepherd) – Sea Shepherd founder, Captain Paul Watson, writes a personal letter to the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe on his visit to Australia. In the copy below, Captain Watson asks on behalf of Sea Shepherd volunteers worldwide, “that Japan abide by the ICJ ruling and that Japan respects both the moratorium […]

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